massage techniques

Californian massage by I.Randi


Californian massage is a special type of relaxing massage.

Born in California around the 70s, Californian massage aims not only to achieve the well-being of the body, but above all to achieve a "re-balancing" between the physical and spiritual planes. The purpose of the Californian massage, therefore, is to allow the achievement of a state of harmony between body and mind.

During the article the main features of the Californian massage will be analyzed, the potential benefits attributed to it and the way in which it is performed.

What is that

What is Californian Massage?

As mentioned, the Californian massage is a particular type of massage carried out in order to achieve balance and harmony between body and mind.

Sometimes called also with the names of psychosomatic massage or sensitive massage, the Californian massage aims to "bring the body into contact with the mind, in such a way as to obtain the well-being of the whole organism, and therefore of the individual . According to the philosophy behind this type of treatment, the Californian massage - therefore the contact that is inevitably created between the masseur and massaged - must be an important sensory experience capable of generating well-being. However, this sensory experience should not be confused and has nothing to do with the sexual sphere.

Overview of the History of Californian Massage

The Californian massage sees its birth in the 70s near San Francisco, in the "hippy" California. Initially, this massage was practiced in group therapies, where people massaged each other with the intent to seek balance with their own and others' bodies, in order to find a sort of shared well-being. Today, Californian massage is performed by expert masseurs in a single context and not in a group.

Potential Benefits

What are the benefits of Californian massage?

Supporters of Californian massage believe that it is able to benefit the body both from a purely physical point of view and from a psychological point of view, exercising an overall relaxing and beneficial action.

Physical Benefits

As for the potential benefits exercised on a physical level, according to those who practice it, the Californian massage would be able to:

  • Reduce muscle tension;
  • Promote and increase skin hydration and elasticity (mostly due to the massage oil used to perform the treatment and not so much to the massage itself);
  • Promote and stimulate lymphatic and blood circulation;
  • Promote weight loss;
  • Reduce cellulite;
  • Encourage the elimination of toxins;
  • Promote digestion.

Psychic Benefits

As for the potential psychic benefits, instead, according to those who practice it, the Californian massage would be capable of:

  • Relieve stress and tension;
  • Reduce anxiety states (clearly, in the presence of non-pathological anxiety);
  • Counteract panic attacks;
  • Increase self-esteem;
  • Rebalance the nervous system, helping the individual who undergoes it to re-establish positive contact with their body.

Please note

The vast majority of the aforementioned benefits attributed to the Californian massage are not confirmed by any scientific study conducted on the subject. On the other hand, there are many individuals who - undergoing this type of treatment - claim to benefit from it. In particular, since it is a massage, it is likely that it can promote relaxation, both physical and mental, and that it can at the same time dissolve any muscular tension.


Who is Californian Massage for?

Given the characteristics and goals it aims to achieve, the Californian massage can be performed by anyone who wants to reach a state of total relaxation, both physically and psychically, finding harmony between and with his own body and his own mind.

Clearly, the advice is to always turn to professional masseurs .

However, in the presence of particular pathologies or in the presence of certain conditions (for example, pregnancy and lactation), before performing a Californian massage, it is necessary to consult the doctor.

How you do it

How is Californian massage performed?

Californian massage must be performed by an expert masseur. Those who support the efficacy and benefits of this form of massage generally recommend performing some preliminary operations before undergoing the actual treatment. In this way, both the body and the mind should be prepared to receive treatment, enhancing the beneficial action attributed to it.

Massage Preparation

Before performing Californian massage, it is advisable to take a warm shower or bath in order to remove any residues of creams or other skin care products previously applied, whose presence could interfere with the massage itself and with the oils used to run it. Furthermore, the hot water coming from the shower or in which one is immersed in the case of the bath performs a preliminary relaxing action on the muscles .

Performing the Massage

Californian massage is performed by the masseur with the aid of perfumed oils ; they are used both to facilitate the sliding of the hands on the body of the individual who undergoes it, and to favor the relaxation of the same through the aroma given off by the oil used.

In theory, Californian massage should be performed on completely naked subjects; however, such a condition could create embarrassment for several people, making the same treatment that would create discomfort instead of a relaxed condition useless. For this reason, many centers provide disposable gauze briefs that customers can use instead of underwear during the session. Alternatively, you can use a warm towel to cover the parts on which the massage is not practiced.

However, once you have completed all the necessary preliminary operations, you can start with the real Californian massage:

  • In the first phase of the massage, the recipient of the treatment must lie on the couch in a prone position (ie on his stomach). The masseur then performs light movements starting from the neck and coming up to the feet. These movements basically serve to facilitate the relaxation of the recipient and to help him gain confidence in the professional who performs the massage.
  • When the individual has relaxed (a condition that can be perceived by the masseur when the recipient's breathing and heart rate slow down), it proceeds with the application of perfumed massage oils (industrially produced, or prepared by diluting a few drops of essential oil). in a special carrier oil ) and with more energetic movements than the previous ones. These movements - which will involve all the muscles, the nerve endings and the so-called "energy centers" of the organism - can be of different types (skimming, kneading, friction, shaking, etc.) and are carried out according to a specific order.
  • Once the massage is finished in the prone position, the recipient must lie down in a supine position and the masseur will perform all the previous maneuvers even on the front of the body.

Generally speaking, a Californian massage session lasts about 90 minutes.

Did you know that ...

The execution of the Californian massage is often accompanied by a musical background whose purpose is to further promote relaxation and harmony between the body and the mind of the recipient of the treatment.


When Californian Massage should not be performed

Californian massage itself has no real contraindications, however, there are certain situations in which this type of relaxing treatment, as well as performing any other type of massage, should be avoided. In detail, Californian massage and other forms of massage should not be performed in the presence of:

  • Recent traumas and / or skin lesions;
  • Dermatitis and dermatitis;
  • Temperature;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Acute inflammatory states;
  • Phlebitis or thrombophlebitis;
  • Lower limb edema related to heart failure;
  • Central nervous system disorders that cause spasticity;
  • Tissue necrosis.

Did you know that ...

It is widely believed that Californian massage, as well as many other types of massage - by stimulating the lymphatic circulation - can somehow promote the spread of any malignant tumor cells throughout the body (metastasis). In truth, such a belief is not supported by any kind of scientific data and, on the contrary, has been denied several times. However, as a precaution, if you are suffering from malignant neoplastic diseases (cancer), you should contact your oncologist before performing any type of treatment.

Finally, it is important to remember that performing Californian massage with certain perfumed oils and / or essential oils is contraindicated in the event that the individual receiving the treatment has a known allergy to any of the products used by the masseur.