
Functional resistance Training and Personal Coach in the Gym

Edited by Alessandro Giannetto

The premise of human functionality must mainly cover important steps regarding literacy, both in terms of food and hygiene, both of motility and social life. The different classes of membership do not always have an easy social climb, which often goes against the lack of availability of primary means to achieve this goal.

The concept of bodily functionality is to position itself in the improvement of the quality of life, and towards the conquest of self-esteem, only when we prepare ourselves with motivation for will and sacrifice, aspects that unfortunately still carry the garment of preconception, according to which what sacrifices deprives, therefore does not facilitate the path of existence.

The concept of bodily functionality must be positioned on the indivisible compromise between mind and body, which can be obtained from the passion for food knowledge, training and everything that includes healthy fitness.

Sacrifice must be connoted in man not as privation, but as what simplifies and improves everyday life.

Functional training is a path, a circuit which, by feeding the brain connections, improves its mnemonic, cognitive and intellectual potential, reflecting itself on a physiological level with better and more efficient organic and metabolic capacities.

At the base of all the circuit that leads to the path of the functional physical culture of the body, there is an evil to be countered, born of modern society, which is called discomfort.

The discomfort is that phenomenon given by the lack of future perspectives and expectations, which has repercussions on all the daily activities, positioning the man in neglect and in a sedentary lifestyle. The discomfort is that phenomenon given by imbalances of affective and emotional type, which change in low self-esteem, isolation and anxiogenic state; often, if chronic discomfort results in depression.

Today's society positions the world of work, as well as health, in hyperactivity; exasperating them, thanks to the strong contribution of those who find themselves in the media director's room, they negatively influence both the activities and the spontaneous abilities of man.

The functional physical culture of the body is classified as well-being, efficiency and physical form; it is the medium that mediates between euphoria and depression, with the aim of eliminating both physical and social discomfort.

The functional physical culture of the body serves to enter into a circuit of collaboration, which humanizes people and brings back universal values ​​such as friendship and love, peace with oneself and with one's neighbor; and that feeds hope for a better future.

The functional physical culture of the body acts as a contrast to the phenomenon of doping, which is the result of social distress, placing itself at the extremes of functional motor activity, continuing to allocate itself in the perverse thinking of people who have the belief that those who are big are even stronger, therefore more athletically prepared in its social ascent.

The man who uses doping as well as the risk of becoming inefficient and useless, endangers his health, sometimes leading to irreversible states, which do not take into account that: "That man who uses doping is not prepared, but he is prepared one who is solid, useful and beautiful ».

The figure of the personal coach intervenes in the gym as a mediator in improper motor practices, in order to transmit a physical and social culture, with the aim of counteracting the phenomenon of discomfort and promoting well-being.

The Personal coach must be the figure of reference, who must understand the need for the solid, useful and beautiful through the following values, and who must:

  1. know how to feed self-esteem;
  2. knowing how to motivate by transmitting passion;
  3. know and transmit a food culture;
  4. know and transmit a culture of hygiene;
  5. know and transmit a motor culture;
  6. know and transmit when it is appropriate to take moments of pause and physical recovery;
  7. to know and transmit a culture that humanizes man.

The goal of the personal coach lies in the role of pedagogist of the functional physical culture of the body, which transmits all its articulated and multi-purpose knowledge; it must be the motivator of physical fitness, therefore of fitness.