woman's health

Contraceptive patch, weight gain, advantages and disadvantages

Contraceptive patch and weight gain

The belief that the use of the contraceptive patch would make you fat should be debunked: the contraceptive patch has no effect on weight gain, nor on the formation / increase of cellulite. It is estimated, approximately, a possible weight gain of just 300/500 grams during the three weeks of application of the patch: an almost fictitious increase, if we consider that during the seven days of suspension the weight returns as before. This oscillation appears to be due both to the presence of the "innovative" progestin, the norelgestromin, and to the particularly low hormone dosage.

Not surprisingly, it is said that the contraceptive patch " is not a burden on women ": the statement is ambiguous, and the key is two-fold. Metaphorically speaking, the plaster is not a weight because it is simple to use, practical, advantageous and safe; however, even from a physical point of view, the patch is not a burden for the woman, since this does not affect neither the weight increase, nor the composition of the adipose tissue.

It is estimated that, on average, approximately 40% of European women abandon the use of a hormonal-based contraceptive method for fear of getting fat, preferring "natural" contraceptive methods that are absolutely devoid of scientific guarantees and therefore potentially dangerous. The percentage increases (60-75%) even more in those areas where overweight and obesity represent a real problem (eg USA), an eating disorder that mainly depends on incorrect lifestyle habits, regardless of the intake of contraceptives.

Many users of contraceptive patches blame the contraceptive method for their weight gain: in reality, the weight gain could depend on many different factors, which have nothing to do with the patch. Obviously, it is always advisable to practice sports and follow a balanced diet.

Regardless of this unfounded anxiety, protection from unwanted pregnancies should make women reflect, making them responsible for the importance of contraception.


The contraceptive patch has taken hold in Italy for a few years and is the excellent choice for many women of childbearing age who want a safe, quiet and carefree sex life. The contraceptive patch offers many advantages, listed below:

  • The same mechanism of action as the pill, but even easier to use;
  • Prevention of unwanted pregnancies equal to 99%;
  • Vomiting and diarrhea do not interfere with contraceptive efficacy, since, unlike the pill, the patch does not provide for passage through the gastrointestinal tract;
  • By avoiding possible gastrointestinal absorption, the hormone level released in the blood remains constant;
  • The problem of the "loss" of hormones caused by hepatic metabolism does not occur (the absorption of the drug takes place by transdermal route);
  • The patch remains applied for three weeks, replacing it only three times: in this way, the likelihood of forgetfulness is considerably reduced;
  • It doesn't make you fat;
  • Unlike the pill, the patch does not generate allergic reactions / intolerances caused by lactose-based excipients, being lacking (many women are allergic / intolerant to milk). However, it would be advisable for the woman to go to the doctor if she was allergic / intolerant to some particular substances, which could be the excipients of the patch;
  • The contraceptive patch is defined as a good ally against acne and hypertrichosis;
  • There are no time restrictions on the use of the patch, thanks to the particularly low hormone dosage, although it is advisable to undergo constant gynecological checks to ascertain the health of the woman;
  • The recovery of fertility following the suspension of the use of the patch is immediate and the woman acquires again the ability to sustain a pregnancy.


The contraceptive patch, like all contraceptive methods, has some disadvantages. First of all, it is preferable only in young women whose body weight does not exceed 88/90 kilos, because the hormones contained in the patch, probably, would be insufficient to guarantee the maximum contraceptive effect. In adult women over 35/40 years, the patch is contraindicated, because the risk of incurring cardiovascular disease increases with increasing age.

Furthermore, the use of the patch is not recommended even for smokers: in fact, smoking, together with the hormones released by the patch, could favor the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Using the patch may cause unpleasant side effects: Candida albicans infections (common occurrence), mood modulations, migraine, nausea, acne, itching, breast enlargement, slight increase in blood pressure, abdominal tension, insomnia, drop of desire (uncommon), contact dermatitis, chloasma, aggression (very rare).

Not being a barrier method, the patch does not offer protection from sexually transmitted diseases (HIV / AIDS, etc.).

Another undesired effect is represented by the possible abnormal and unexpected uterine losses (eg spotting, metrorrhagia), in particular in the first months of application: when these symptoms persist even after three months from the start of hormonal therapy, it is advisable to seek medical attention.

However, even following the suspension of the use of the contraceptive patch, some women complain of oligomenorrhea and amenorrhea.