health of the nervous system

Delirium - Causes and Symptoms

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Delirium is a psychotic symptom characterized by the presence of wrong beliefs or ideas, not corresponding to reality, not shared and persistent, despite the contrary evidence. This disturbance of thought is subjective and expresses the modification of the experience of the individual who suffers in relation to the external environment.

People who experience delusions may believe that they are being followed, poisoned, exploited, infected, loved at a distance or deceived by their spouse. Furthermore, these subjects present concerns regarding the loyalty or reliability of friends, tendency to read threatening meanings in favorable situations, constant resentment and excessive reactivity with respect to stimuli that are perceived as facing.

Delirium is one of the main symptoms of schizophrenia and can occur in various psychic conditions (psychosis), such as personality alterations, depressive or manic episodes and chronic delusional disorder (or paranoia).

In elderly patients, the disorder can coexist with mild dementia. Delirium is a symptom that is also found in the case of multiple sclerosis, abuse of various substances and convulsions.

Delusions are subdivided into different subtypes, depending on their content.

Some examples:

  • Delusions of persecution : those who are affected think they are wrongly persecuted, cheated or spied on; subjects may repeatedly attempt to obtain justice through appeals to institutions and may resort to violence to take revenge for the imaginary plot.
  • Delusions of reference : patients are convinced that the theme of events, quotations from books and newspapers, the texts of songs or other environmental stimuli have a particular meaning and are directed to them.
  • Somatic delirium: delirium refers to a bodily function; patients are convinced that they have a physical deformity, a tumor, a bad smell or a parasite.
  • Delusions of theft or thought grafting : patients believe that other people can read their mind, that their thoughts are transmitted to others or that impulses are imposed on them by external forces of various kinds (eg magnetic waves).
Delusions usually do not lead to severe deterioration or personality change, but manifestations can gradually deteriorate.

Possible Causes * of Delirium

  • Alcoholism
  • Vascular dementia
  • Postpartum depression
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Pellagra
  • Schizophrenia
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Serotonin syndrome