
CEFAM ® Cefamandolo

CEFAM ® is a drug based on Cefamandum sodium salt naphtha

THERAPEUTIC GROUP: General antimicrobials for systemic use - Cephalosporins

IndicationsAction mechanismStudies and clinical effectiveness Usage and dosage instructionsWarnings Pregnancy and lactationInteractionsContraindicationsUndesirable effects

Indications CEFAM ® Cefamandolo

CEFAM ® is used in the clinical setting for the treatment of serious bacterial infections sustained by Gram negative penicillin-resistant microorganisms.

The high therapeutic efficacy of this antibiotic allows its use also in opportunistic infections in patients with defects.

Mechanism of action CEFAM ® Cefamandolo

The cefamandolo, active ingredient of CEFAM ®, is a beta-lactam drug belonging to the second generation cephalosporin category.

Administered parenterally, it quickly reaches the circulatory stream, thus distributing itself to the various tissues where it performs its therapeutic action.

The high diffusibility through the organic structures, allows the cephaloid to meet its target very soon inducing its lysis, generally due to osmotic shock.

In fact, by inhibiting the transpeptidation reaction, which is useful for connecting the peptidoglycan molecules, this antibiotic prevents the structuring of the bacterial wall, thus making the micro-organism particularly sensitive to the osmotic gradient and favoring its lysis.

The presence of chemical groups around the beta-lactam ring gives these active ingredients a natural resistance against those bacterial enzymes, known as beta-lactamases, which can open the aforementioned ring, compromising the biological activity of the antibiotic and inevitably also its therapeutic efficacy.

Persisting in circulation for about 6 hours, considering a medical half-life of about 30 minutes, the cefamandolo is eliminated as it is through the urine.

Studies carried out and clinical efficacy


J Infect Dis. 1998 Jan; 177 (1): 146-54.

Experimental work demonstrating the efficacy of cefamandolo in the prophylaxis of endocarditis supported by methicillin-resistant Staphilococcus Auresus, reducing the formation of potentially pathogenic vegetations.


Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 1994 Oct; 13 (10): 793-6.

Study demonstrating how antibiotic therapy with cefamandol may be effective in reducing complications associated with overlapping bacterial infections in patients undergoing orthopedic surgical therapy.


Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 1994 Apr; 13 (4): 293-8.

In this study, cefamandolo was effective in reducing symptoms and bacterial load in hospitalized patients with community-acquired pneumonia, thus demonstrating its effectiveness in the treatment of opportunistic infections in patients with impaired

Method of use and dosage


Powder and solvent for solution for injection of 1 g of cefamandolo.

Since therapy with CEFAM ® is a therapy with a high specialist content, especially useful for the treatment of those serious infections sustained by particularly resistant microorganisms, it is necessary that the doses and the related intake scheme are established by the competent doctor after having carefully evaluated the state health of the patient, the severity of the clinical picture and the possible presence of conditions incompatible with the therapy.

The therapeutic range between 0.5 - 2 g administered every four to eight hours should be able to carry out the antibiotic activity in most documented infectious diseases.

Intravenous intake of cefamandol should be supervised by trained healthcare professionals.

Warnings CEFAM ® Cefamandolo

Treatment with CEFAM ® should be supervised by your doctor in order to reduce the appearance of serious side effects while preserving maximum therapeutic efficacy.

Particular attention should be paid to elderly and nephropathic patients, given the high systemic concentrations normally reached by the active ingredient in the above cases.

The same precautions should be maintained in patients with a history of adverse drug reactions.

Antibiotic treatment must necessarily be administered with caution and attention, not only to limit the incidence of side effects but also to limit as much as possible the spread of drug-resistant bacterial strains.


The use of CEFAM ® during pregnancy and in the subsequent period of breastfeeding should only take place in cases of real need and be carefully supervised by your doctor.

The studies present in the literature do not allow yet to fully characterize the safety profile on the fetus of the cefamandole when taken during pregnancy.


The patient in therapy with CEFAM ® should pay particular attention, always requesting medical consultation, to the simultaneous intake of potentially nephrotoxic active ingredients, able to enhance the renal damage induced by cephalosporins.

Contraindications CEFAM ® Cefamandolo

The use of CEFAM ® is contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to penicillins and cephalosporins or their excipients in addition to lidocaine (for intramuscular administration).

Undesirable effects - Side effects

Although cephalosporin therapy is generally well tolerated and free of any particular side effects, the administration of CEFAM ®, especially if carried out at high dosages or extended over time, could determine the appearance of:

  • Gastrointestinal reactions such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea;
  • Renal disorders such as tubular and glomerular damage accompanied by urinary abnormalities and proteinuria;
  • Haematological reactions such as haemolytic anemia, neutropenia, leukopenia and myeloinhibition;
  • Liver damage observable with hypertransaminasemia and hyperbilirubinemia;
  • Lethargy, spasms, convulsions and various neurological symptoms;
  • Even severe allergic reactions such as angioedema, pruritus, urticaria, bronchospasm, hypotension and anaphylactic shock.


CEFAM ® is a prescription-only drug