
Meatballs and Hochzeitssuppe

The hochzeitssuppe (literally: "double soup") is a light-colored German soup, based on broth and chicken meat, with meatballs (called fleischklößchen ), asparagus tips, noodles (spaghetti or noodles) and cooked egg custard and salt to garnish (called eierstich ); sometimes it also contains raisins.

The fleischklößchen that are used for the hochzeitssuppe are based on: pork, lettuce, fontina, onion, rosemary, sage, mustard, salt and pepper.

The hochzeitssuppe is typical of northern and southern Germany; by popular tradition, it is consumed as an appetizer in the wedding reception (both for the spouses and for the guests). In reality, albeit with a different name ( brautsuppe - literally: "bride's soup"), the hochzeitssuppe is also consumed in other German regions, where it is served to all members of the ceremony.

The westfälische hochzeitssuppe ("Westphalian wedding soup") is a variation of the traditional recipe and is prepared with a beef-based broth. Also represents an appetizer of the wedding menu, which is followed by the second dish based on cold boiled meat (the one remaining from the broth) accompanied by remoulade (seasoning), white onions and gherkins (gherkins).

The recipes for Hochzeitssuppe are as many as the types of regional cuisine and on the market are also available those "instant".