health of the nervous system

Magnetic Resonance to the Brain


Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, or magnetic resonance of the brain, is the nuclear magnetic resonance of the encephalic compartment, which includes the brain, the diencephalon, the brainstem and the cerebellum.

Safe and completely harmless procedure, magnetic resonance imaging of the brain is indicated for the identification and analysis of conditions such as: stroke and its consequences, multiple sclerosis, brain tumors, brain aneurysm, l hydrocephalus, cerebral cysts, encephalitis, cerebral haemorrhages, cerebral hematomas, cerebral edema, etc.

Moreover, some of its particular variants allow, one, the study of brain activity, during the execution of a certain task (eg: speaking), and, the other, the in-depth study of the flow of blood within the arterial vessels and venous.

A classic MRI scan of the brain lasts between 30 and 60 minutes; at the conclusion, the patient can return home immediately, unless he has taken a sedative before the procedure or has been injected with a contrast agent.

Brain magnetic resonance imaging is contraindicated for people with metal devices or components inside the body (eg, pacemakers, etc.).

The results are interpreted by a radiologist.

A brief review of what MRI is

Magnetic resonance, whose full name would be nuclear magnetic resonance, is a diagnostic test that allows the visualization of the inside of the human body, without resorting to surgical incisions or ionizing radiations, but thanks to harmless magnetic fields and equally harmless radio waves .

Virtually free of side effects and with very few contraindications, magnetic resonance imaging provides clear and detailed three-dimensional images of so-called soft tissues (nerves, muscles, ligaments, fat, blood vessels etc.) and of the so-called hard tissues (bones and cartilages). This makes it a test of absolute relevance in many fields of medicine: from traumatology to oncology, passing through orthopedics, gastroenterology, cardiology, etc.

The only limit of magnetic resonance is the high cost of the equipment, necessary for the creation of magnetic fields for the observation of the human body, and the maintenance costs of the aforementioned equipment.

What is brain magnetic resonance?

Brain magnetic resonance, or brain magnetic resonance, is the nuclear magnetic resonance that allows the visualization, through extremely detailed three-dimensional images, of the various encephalic components, namely: brain, diencephalon, brainstem and cerebellum .

Brain MRI is a diagnostic test that can be performed in the best equipped hospitals and radiological clinics.

Like any type of MRI, it is one of the practices of radiology and the reading of its results is the responsibility of a radiologist .

Other names of the magnetic resonance imaging brain

Brain magnetic resonance imaging is also known as: magnetic resonance imaging of the head, cranio-encephalic magnetic resonance and brain MRI .


Brain magnetic resonance imaging is a diagnostic tool useful for identifying and investigating various pathological conditions, including:

  • The brain aneurysm;
  • Multiple sclerosis;
  • Hydrocephalus;
  • Stroke episodes and their consequences;
  • Brain tumors (eg: glioblastoma, astrocytoma, acoustic neuroma etc.) and cerebellar tumors (eg: medulloblastoma);
  • Inflammation of the brain of infectious origin (encephalitis);
  • Brain cysts;
  • Cerebral edema;
  • Endocrine diseases that have pituitary or hypothalamus cranial glands as protagonists. Examples of such diseases are acromegaly and Cushing's syndrome;
  • Brain hemorrhages and cerebral hematomas;
  • Encephalomyopathies;
  • Cerebrovascular problems in general.

Furthermore, magnetic resonance imaging of the brain is used during diagnostic investigations, which aim to definitively clarify the exact nature of suspicious symptoms, such as: dizziness, chronic headache, vision problems, seizures, sudden changes of behavior and mood swings.

Particular applications of brain magnetic resonance

Alongside the classical method, there are two methods of performing magnetic resonance imaging of the brain which allow one to study brain activity during the execution of a certain task (eg: speaking, reading, thinking, etc.) and, l another, the peculiarities of the flow of blood within the arterial and venous vessels of the various brain components.

The brain magnetic resonance that allows the study of brain activity, during the execution of a certain task, is an example of functional magnetic resonance and takes the name of functional magnetic resonance of the brain .

The brain magnetic resonance imaging that studies blood flow in the encephalic compartment, on the other hand, is an example of magnetic resonance angio and takes the name of angio-magnetic resonance of the brain .


The preparation for the magnetic resonance of the brain is the same one put into practice on the occasion of all the other types of magnetic resonance.

This means that:

  • No fasting or observance of special diets is foreseen;
  • Shortly before the examination, the patient must take off any garment or object containing metal parts (bags, jewelery, wallets, shoes, etc.), answer a specific questionnaire that checks whether or not there are contraindications to the examination and, finally, communicate whether suffers from claustrophobia and, in the case of a female patient, if she is pregnant (or suspected).

Claustrophobia solution

The presence of claustrophobia usually resolves with the administration of a sedative, just before magnetic resonance to the brain, or - if the possibility exists within the hospital where the examination is held - with a machine " open ”, designed specifically for claustrophobic people.


After getting rid of any metal object and answering the classic pre-exam questions, the patient must lie down, in a supine position, on a suitable sliding bed, which serves to introduce him into the diagnostic equipment.

To guide and help the patient during the accommodation on the couch, he is a radiologist technician, who, immediately afterwards, also takes care of providing all the necessary comforts (eg pillows, earplugs, etc.) and giving the latest essential instructions for the proper conduct of the exam.

Among these indispensable instructions, the absolute immobility to which the patient must adhere during the whole procedure deserves a mention: in fact, the movements of the body compromise the accuracy of the images, therefore the successful outcome of the magnetic resonance of the brain .

It should be remembered that modern magnetic resonance equipment is equipped with loudspeakers and cameras for communicating with medical personnel, who, generally, once they have begun the exam, move to a room adjacent to where the patient resides. The presence of a communication system guarantees complete control of the situation and the possibility, to those who are submitting to the procedure, to report any problems or problems.

Like any type of MRI, even the magnetic resonance of the brain is very noisy. This explains the possible use of ear plugs.

How long does an MRI scan of the brain?

Generally, the total duration of an MRI scan of the brain is between 30 and 60 minutes .

Nuclear magnetic resonance angio

The magnetic resonance angio of the encephalon involves the use of a contrast agent, which the radiologist technician injects to the patient, intravenously, immediately after settling on the couch.

Contrast media is essential for assessing the characteristics of blood flow in the arterial and venous vessels of the encephalic compartment.

What happens at the end of the procedure?

Generally, immediately after magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, the patient can get dressed and return home, waiting for the results to be available.

Possible stays of a few hours in the hospital may be due to sedation - since the latter involves a certain confusion and alters reflexes - or the use of contrast media (this precaution occurs, of course, only after an anguish-resonance) magnetic).


Brain magnetic resonance imaging is a safe and completely harmless diagnostic for the body.

The fact of not exposing the patient to ionizing radiation makes it an examination that can be repeated several times, even after a short time.

Risks of angio-magnetic resonance to the brain

In some individuals, the contrast agent used for angio-magnetic resonance imaging may cause unpleasant allergic reactions .

Today, to understand if the aforementioned risk exists, there are preliminary examinations, comparable to a sort of allergic tests, which sanction the presence or not of intolerances to contrast agents, usually used in the medical field.

The use of contrast medium includes the magnetic resonance imaging procedures on the brain in the list of minimally invasive examinations .


The contraindications to the magnetic resonance of the brain are the same as those of any other type of magnetic resonance.

Therefore, all those who have metallic devices or components, such as pacemakers, neurostimulators, splinters (those in the eye in particular) and intracranial clips for an aneurysm, cannot undergo the encephalic examination in question. brain, hearing aids, metal prostheses, metal sutures, etc.

It must be remembered that, for several years now, the search for metals has been particularly active, whose use in the medical field is compatible with the magnetic resonance procedure.


As a rule, the results of an MRI scan of the brain are available to patients within 3-4 days.

Like any type of MRI, the magnetic resonance of the brain is a detailed examination, capable of providing fundamental information.