skin health

Aquagenic urticaria: what is it?

Aquagenic urticaria is a skin reaction that occurs when a person exposes the skin to contact with water or other liquids, regardless of their chemical and physical characteristics (source, temperature and salt concentration). Generally, it occurs in young adults (average age at onset: 18 years) and affects the female sex the most.

How it manifests itself

In the areas exposed to the liquid, after 3-10 minutes a rash appears with redness, erythema, intense itching and small perifollicular swellings (pomfi). This event lasts from a few minutes to about an hour, then slowly regresses, until it disappears. Subsequently, the exposed skin sites are refractory to the stimulus for several hours. Prolonged contact with the liquid is obviously responsible for a more annoying and intense manifestation.

All types of water can trigger an urticarial reaction, including rain or from the tap. In the most sensitive subjects, the rash appears even after a swim in the sea or in the pool. Aquagenic urticaria can also be evoked by contact with sweat, tears and saliva.