Cosmetic Surgery


By Dr. Masino Scutari

An esthete or in our case a cosmetic surgeon must have a marked sensitivity and competence in the aesthetic evaluation of the eyes and the tissues that surround them.

The eye itself, understood as an eyeball, has no expressiveness, whereas periorbital tissues express all the various emotions, such as the relaxed or tired appearance, the smiling or sad or even threatening appearance.

But if we analyze the beauty of the eyes what are the anatomical peculiarities that are continually detected?

Generally when we talk about beautiful eyes we refer to the Caucasian eastern eyes. Why?

In the east the skin in the upper eyelid is smooth and uniform with a distance of about 10mm of the eyelids from the eyelid groove, so also the external song (the outer union of the two eyelids) is higher by a few mm than the inner one. The more the upper eyelid is visible the more attractive the eyes look.

The periorbital skin should be smooth, there should not be fat bags that make the tired face tried by a life of excess.

People interact with the look, we talk to each other with our eyes, we mean them with our eyes.

This part of the face is one of the parts that ages first and blepharoplasty is one of the interventions aimed at rejuvenating the face.


The term blepharoplasty indicates the reconstruction of the eyelids. This reconstruction may involve the upper, lower or both eyelids. It consists of the correction and improvement of the so-called crow's feet, palpebral bags, ptosis of the upper eyelids.

Types of treatment

  • Upper blepharoplasty
  • Lower blepharoplasty
  • Complete blepharoplasty
  • Blepharoplasty with removal of bone tissue
  • Intra-conjunctival blepharoplasty

General information

The indication for the operation is given by exuberant skin that generally affects the upper eyelids and the lipoma (the bags) that usually affects the lower eyelids, as it is located in the sub-orbital region.

Preoperative indications

  • Photos
  • Accurate cleansing of the skin of the face
  • Fasting for at least 8 hours

Laboratory and instrumental tests required:

  • Blood count, group, azotemia, blood glucose, PT, PTT, electrocardiogram, chest X-ray, eye examination.

Postoperative indications

In the immediate post-operative period, therapy with antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and decongestant eye drops should be practiced.

It will be useful, to eliminate the bruises, the bag of ice on the face for a few hours after the operation.

You should avoid sun exposure for at least 30 days and massage the area around the eye sockets with draining micro-massages.

The trick will be allowed after 5 days. The very thin stitches will be excised after 7 days.

Surgical technique

The operative technique will consist in the targeted removal of the excess skin on the upper and lower eyelids, also where the under- orbital lipoma will be removed.

For the ptosis of the upper eyelid the natural fold of the eyelid is incised, therefore a more or less abundant flap of skin is excised.

For the so-called crow's feet, it is cut under the lashes by excising a small piece of skin.