weight loss drugs

Triacana ®

Before reading the article on - Triacana ® - make sure you are aware of the side effects and legal repercussions arising from the use of anabolic steroids (regulated by the anti-doping law of December 14, 2000, No. 376 and subsequent updates, and by the Law on the subject of the discipline of narcotics DPR 9 October 1990, No. 309 and subsequent updates)

Triacana is the trade name that is commonly called a thyroid drug based on tiratricol . This active ingredient is a natural metabolite of thyroid hormone called triiodothyronine or more simply T3. The thyroid, a gland responsible for regulating body metabolism, secretes two hormones that are identified with the letters T3 and T4. Between the two, the T3 hormone is clearly more active and derives from the removal of an iodine atom from T4.

The effects of thyroid hormones are aimed essentially at controlling basal metabolism, with a mild action on protein anabolism. In the laboratory it is possible to reconstruct the chemical structure of these hormones and market them.

The most common thyroid drugs are Cytomel ® (T3) and Synthroid (T4). As mentioned at the beginning of the article the Triacana is a metabolite of T3 and its effectiveness is weaker than the aforementioned drugs. If administered orally it causes a significant increase in basal metabolic rate, forcing the body to burn more calories, faster.

In the medical field Triacana and related drugs are used in the treatment of obesity and thyroid dysfunction. In particular, Triacana has been shown to be effective in treating hyperthyroidism (a disorder characterized by a natural overproduction of thyroid hormones and linked to symptoms such as tremor, hyperhidrosis, hot flushes and excessive thinness). Although it may seem a contradiction, the chronic use of Triacana reduces the natural secretion of TSH, a pituitary hormone that stimulates the secretion of thyroid hormones. This particularity should at least make anyone think of using this drug for weight loss purposes.

In sports, the Triacana is used to quickly lose excess fat, without resorting to extreme diets that inevitably end up favoring muscle catabolism. For this reason the Triacana is a drug particularly appreciated by Bodybuilders who use it to improve muscle definition in view of a competition (often associating it with anabolic steroids that do not aromatize).

While on one hand the Triacana has a lower action than Cytomel and Synthroid, on the other it is considered safer. Pharmacologically manipulating thyroid hormone levels can in fact be very dangerous. Undesirable effects such as hyperhidrosis, tremors, diarrhea, insomnia, nausea, tachycardia and arrhythmias are in fact quite common. The most serious consequence of a prolonged use of these drugs concerns the possible onset of chronic thyroid dysfunction. This hypothesis, although still possible, should not worry too much about who takes the Triacana. This drug in fact is metabolized rather quickly and the appearance of minor side effects (palpitations, nervousness, etc.) is an alarm signal that should also suggest to the inexperienced user to reduce the doses of intake.


The cycle normally begins with two 0.35 mg Triacana tablets taken 12 hours apart. Day after day the dose will be increased by two tablets to 10-14 tablets per day. The intake should be distributed throughout the day in order to keep the plasma levels of tiratricol stable (this metabolite has a half-life of approximately 6 hours). The duration of employment should not exceed three months and in any case it is important not to stop it abruptly. Similarly to the initial phase the dose will in fact be reduced by two tablets a day until the intake is completely suspended. This tail has the purpose of reactivating the natural thyroid function, depressed by the chronic use of Triacana.

At the end of the cycle the appearance of the typical symptoms of hypothyroidism is quite common: tendency to gain weight rather quickly, drowsiness, loss of appetite, intolerance to cold and weakness. These side effects are related to the inhibitory effect that Triacana exerts on TSH secretion.

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These indications are for informational purposes only and are not intended in any way to promote the use of anabolic steroids or to substitute for medical advice. The author declines all responsibility for damages, claims or losses, direct or indirect, deriving from the use of such information.