
Anamnestic Certificate: What is it? What is needed and how is obtained by I.Randi


The medical history certificate is a particular type of medical certificate containing information on an individual's psycho-physical state of health.

The medical history certificate must be issued in all the cases provided for by the law for which it is necessary to determine whether the subject has particular pathologies or physiological conditions that could hinder or influence the performance of activities of various types (for example, driving or use of weapons).

The medical history certificate must be issued by a doctor who can be family or specialized depending on the reason for which the certificate must be issued, subject to careful interrogation of the individual (medical history) associated with a possible medical examination.

What is that

What is the anamnestic certificate?

The medical history certificate is a particular medical certificate that contains a series of information about the general state of health of the individual.

In Italy, the medical certificate must be presented whenever there is a need to certify that the individual does not have physiological or pathological conditions for which he is not able to perform certain activities or occupations.

The activities and work uses for which it is necessary to be in possession and to present the anamnestic certificate are established by law, as well as the mode of presentation of the document in question is regulated by the legislation currently in force.

Leaving aside the anamnestic certificates required for carrying out particular work activities (for example, the profession of the taxi driver), the most requested medical certificates in Italy are those for the issue or renewal of the driving license and the nautical license and those for the release of the firearms both for hunting (hunting rifle) and for personal defense use.

What is it for

What is the Anamnestic Certificate for?

The anamnestic certificate serves on all occasions - provided by law - for which the individual is required to prove that he is in a psychophysical condition suitable for performing various types of activities, such as driving a vehicle, driving a boat, handling and use of firearms or carrying out work activities.

What it brings back

What data and information are shown on the anamnestic certificate?

The medical history certificate can be described as a sort of declaration of the individual's state of health or illness . In fact, the following information must be present in it:

  • Patient data and general information, such as:
    • Name and surname;
    • Place and date of birth;
    • Fiscal Code;
    • Place and address of residence.
  • Object of the certification, ie because the medical history certificate must be issued:
    • For example, on the medical history certificate necessary for issuing the driving license, a statement of this type should be given: " Preliminary anamnestic certificate for the subsequent assessment of the psychophysical conditions for obtaining the driving license, pursuant to art. 119, paragraph 3, of Legislative Decree No. 285/92 as amended by Law No. 120/2010 ".
  • Presence (current and past) or absence of morbid conditions that may constitute a danger and / or may render the individual incapable of carrying out the activity for which the medical certificate is required. In detail, the morbid conditions mentioned above consist of:
    • Cardiovascular disorders;
    • Respiratory disorders;
    • Hematopoietic and blood disorders (for example, leukemia, lymphomas, hemophilic syndromes, etc.);
    • Nervous system disorders (such as epilepsy);
    • Psychiatric disorders and any treatments - past or current - within psychiatric facilities and / or with psychiatric drugs;
    • Endocrine disorders;
    • Diabetes;
    • Kidney and urinary tract disorders (eg, kidney failure);
    • Disturbances and alterations of the auditory system;
    • Pathologies of the visual apparatus;
    • Anatomical or functional alterations of the osteoarticular apparatus;
    • Oncological pathologies;
    • Infectious diseases;
    • Presence of prostheses, specifying the type;
    • Presence of civil invalidity, specifying the type and percentage;
    • Execution of organ transplantation (the date of execution of the transplant and the state of health of the individual at the time of preparation of the anamnestic certificate must be indicated).

Please note

In the presence of one or more of the aforementioned disorders and pathologies, the doctor is required to specify the type in the dedicated space on the certificate.

  • Presence of conditions of dependence on substances subject to abuse (alcohol, narcotics and / or psychotropic substances) and possible treatment at SERT (Services for Drug Addiction).
  • The doctor's data, such as:
    • Name and surname;
    • Qualification;
    • Membership health facility.
  • Place and date of issue of the medical history certificate;
  • Stamp and signature of the doctor .

The anamnestic certificate, however, must not be limited to reporting a list of any diseases for which an individual is affected, but must also report facts and behaviors that could lead to significant consequences - including those of legal and administrative significance - on the charge of the same individual is in charge of the community.

The evaluation of these aspects, in fact, can influence the final judgment about the suitability of the individual for carrying out the activities for which the medical history certificate is requested (for example, work activities, release or renewal of the driving license, etc.).

How to get it

How to get the anamnestic certificate and who releases it?

The medical history certificate, as a medical certificate in all respects, can and must be issued only and exclusively by the doctor after carrying out an interview - possibly associated with a visit - in which this health figure must ask a series of questions to the patient (questionnaire) in order to define the clinical history ( anamnesis ).

To obtain an anamnestic certificate, please contact:

  • Legal doctor from the ASL (Local Health Authority) of belonging;
  • Qualified Doctors of the National Health System (SSN);
  • Family doctor.

The doctor who must be contacted for the issue of the medical history certificate may be different depending on the reason that made it necessary to request the document in question. Naturally, also in this case, all the guidelines are provided by the current legislation.

In some cases, the law states that the certificate must be issued only following the performance of clinical-toxicological assessments, in order to determine whether the subject uses or abuses substances such as alcohol, drugs and psychotropic substances.

Validity and Expiration

Validity and Expiration of the Anamnestic Certificate

Like any other medical certificate, the medical history certificate also has a deadline. More in detail, the validity of this document is limited to three months from the date of preparation by the doctor.

Furthermore, in order to be valid, a medical history certificate must:

  • Be free of corrections and abrasions, as they could indicate a possible counterfeit.

Did you know that ...

If the doctor makes a mistake in completing the certificate, corrections can be made. However, the latter, in order to be accepted and deemed valid, must be clearly indicated, therefore countersigned by the same doctor.

  • Be filled in with a spelling that is understandable in a way that avoids any kind of misunderstanding or reading error.
  • Be drawn up using clear terminology that leaves no room for doubt of any kind.
  • If required by law, it must be completed on a specific form and accompanied by other documents necessary to certify the suitability of the applicant.

Please note

For the purpose of validity, the doctor should draw up the medical history certificate based only on direct findings, through a medical examination conducted personally and / or based on medical reports, including specialized medical reports .


Does the anamnestic certificate have a cost?

The medical certificate cannot be paid by the National Health System, therefore, the expense for its preparation must be entirely borne by the patient .

The prices of an anamnestic certificate can vary, even a great deal, depending on the doctor who compiles it (trusted doctor, coroner of the ASL of belonging, qualified doctor of the NHS).

As for the release of the document by the ASL doctors and the National Health System, the cost varies according to the region in which it finds us but, generally, it is around 15-30 euros. If, instead, the certificate is issued by the general practitioner, usually (but not necessarily), the cost tends to be higher, amounting to around 50 euros. However, the possibility that some family doctors may require higher figures cannot be excluded.

In any case, those listed above are indicative prices, for more precise information about the cost of issuing the medical certificate it is necessary to inquire with the ASL of competence or with your own doctor.