
Pomegranate and Cancer

The pomegranate is a plant belonging to the genus Punica and Specie granatum, of which the edible fruits are consumed.

Due to its nutritional and phytotherapeutic characteristics, the pomegranate has been nicknamed the "true fruitful power of nature".

Since ancient times, pomegranate is considered a vegetable with extraordinary medicinal properties. A native of the Middle East and some Asian countries, throughout history it has reached almost every corner of the world. Compared to places of origin, where it constitutes a real traditional medicine, in the West it did not arouse the same health interest.

However, the chemical-nutritional composition of the pomegranate is more unique than rare. Being rich in antioxidant tannins and flavonoids, it has finally attracted the attention of many worldwide researchers who, intrigued by their applications in traditional oriental medicine, have begun to evaluate their impact on metabolism.

Citing what has been described in a 2009 work entitled: " Cancer chemoprevention by pomegranate: laboratory and clinical evidence ", we summarize the following.

Studies in vitro and in culture have shown that pomegranate extract selectively inhibits the growth of cancer cells in the breast, prostate, colon and lungs.

Repeating the experimental study on animals in the pre-clinical phase, oral consumption of pomegranate extract compromised tumor growth in the lung, skin, colon and prostate.

In the initial part of the second experimental clinical phase, which involved the administration of pomegranate juice in patients with prostate cancer, he reported a significant improvement in the profile of specific prostatic antigens.

Obviously, scientific studies are not all the same and, alas, do not always lead in the same direction. However, in light of the above, it is certainly advisable not to underestimate the importance of antioxidants. A diet rich in these molecules can, if nothing else, favor the prevention of the onset of many disorders; among these, also diseases of a tumoral nature.