natural supplements

Chamomile: Roman or German?

Although there are numerous varieties of chamomile, the flower heads are obtained from two main species:

  • Matricaria recutita L. = Matricaria chamomilla L. (called common chamomile or German chamomile )
  • Anthemis nobilis L. = Chamaemelum noble L. (called Roman chamomile ).

The two types of chamomile have very similar but not exactly superimposable pharmacological actions.

Both belong to the Compositae family, but German chamomile is considered the most powerful of the two.

  • German chamomile: anti-inflammatory, vulnerary, deodorant, bacteriostatic, antimicrobial, anticarctic, carminative, sedative, antiseptic and spasmolytic properties
  • Roman chamomile: carminative, anti-emetic, antispasmodic and sedative properties