
Colloidal Silver: What is it? Features, User Security and Side Effects of I.Randi


Colloidal silver is a compound to which antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties are attributed.

Before the advent of antibiotics, colloidal silver was widely used in the treatment of the most varied infections, both externally and internally. Instead, after the arrival of penicillin and other antibiotic drugs, it became obsolete and fell into disuse. In recent times, however, this product has acquired a new reputation, considered as a real natural antibacterial and has become part of the world of alternative medicines. However, if on one hand his supporters consider him almost as a remedy against all evil, on the other hand doctors and researchers disagree neither on the astonishing efficacy attributed to him, nor on his safety of use.

Please note

Despite what some producers want to make believe, colloidal silver has no known functions in the body and is not an essential mineral supplement.

What is that

What is Colloidal Silver?

Colloidal silver is a particular liquid compound consisting of tiny silver particles suspended in purified water (demineralized, distilled or bi-distilled, depending on the manufacturer).

It is sold in the form of preparations that can be used both internally and externally, inside glass containers with dropper, or inside special spray dispensers. The concentrations of these products can vary from 10 ppm (parts per million), up to 50 ppm.

Definition of Colloid or Colloidal System

In physical chemistry, a colloidal system is a system consisting of the dispersion of a solid, liquid or gaseous substance - defined dispersed phase - inside another substance - defined dispersant phase - which can also be solid, liquid or gaseous .

In order to be able to speak of a colloidal system, the dispersed phase particles must have dimensions indicatively comprised between 1 nanometer and 0.5 micrometers (or 500 nanometers, if you prefer).

In the case of preparations based on colloidal silver, the dispersed phase is represented by very small particles of silver, while the dispersing phase is generally constituted by purified water.

In addition to colloidal silver proper, it is possible to find ionic colloidal silver on the market which, according to manufacturers, should contain more absorbable silver ions obtained by electrolytic processes. However, given the even smaller dimensions of the ions, it would perhaps be better to speak of molecular dispersions than of colloid.

However, leaving aside the "technical" aspects, it is worth pointing out that products based on colloidal silver are NOT drugs, but are sold as food supplements or natural remedies for topical use .

Did you know that ...

The FDA (Food and Drug Administration of the United States) has banned the sale of silver-based drugs in 1999, due to their unproven safety.

In Italy, some silver-based drugs are commercially available. However, within them the metal is not found in the form of colloid, but rather linked to other molecules (as happens, for example, in the case of silver sulfadiazine). Furthermore, the medicinal products in question are not formulated for oral administration, but only for external use and for application on the skin (for example, Connettivina®, Sofargen®). In other words, these are real drugs that have nothing to do with colloidal silver, since within them the metal in question is present in a form linked to other molecules and therefore goes to constitute a completely different compound whose efficacy and safety in use have been studied and demonstrated and whose use has been officially approved by AIFA.


When is Colloidal Silver used?

Colloidal silver is used in the treatment of disorders related to bacterial, viral or fungal infections .

Those who support the efficacy of colloidal silver recommend using the product to prevent and / or treat various types of disorders, including:

  • Colds or influences;
  • Gum disorders;
  • Eye infections;
  • Ear infections;
  • Breast infections;
  • Infections of the bronchi and airways;
  • Sore throat caused by infections.

Please note

The efficacy and safety of use of colloidal silver in the treatment of the aforementioned disorders and diseases is not supported by sufficient and adequate scientific studies conducted on the subject.

The practices described in this chapter are not accepted by modern medicine, they have not been subjected to experimental tests conducted with scientific methods or have not passed them. They could, therefore, be ineffective or even be harmful to health .

The information given is for illustrative purposes only. If in doubt, consult your doctor.

Mode of use

Depending on the problem that you are willing to deal with, the product in question is used both internally and externally and can be:

  • Ingested directly, or left under the tongue for a few minutes and then swallowed;
  • Used to make gargles and then spit;
  • Used as nasal drops to be applied locally;
  • Used as a spray on the mucous membranes (for example, in the throat);
  • Applied on the skin in the presence of wounds, both in the form of drops and through the use of spray dispensers.


Regarding the dosage, it is normally shown on the product packaging. In any case, given the potential danger to health deriving from the use of colloidal silver-based products, the importance of asking for the advice of your doctor before buying this substance and before using it through any internal way is recalled. or external.

Please note

The avid supporters of the properties of colloidal silver claim that it is also useful for treating cancer. This statement is completely devoid of scientific foundations and, indeed, may prove to be potentially dangerous for those patients who, desperate, decide to abandon traditional treatments to devote themselves to alternative approaches of dubious utility and safety. Therefore, anticancer treatments - be they chemotherapeutic, radiotherapeutic or surgical - should NOT be interrupted to undertake unlikely colloidal silver therapies. If in doubt, contact your doctor or your trusted oncologist .

Pharmacological Interactions

Can Colloidal Silver Interfer with Drug Activity?

Although his supporters insist on stating that colloidal silver does not establish pharmacological interactions of any kind, the reality of the facts is quite different. Indeed, especially when taken orally, colloidal silver is able to interfere with the activity of:

  • Antibiotic drugs, such as tetracyclines and quinolones : the intake of colloidal silver reduces their absorption by the body, consequently reducing their effectiveness.
  • Penicillamine : it is a derivative of penicillin which, however, has no antibiotic activity but is used in the treatment of Wilson's disease. The intake of colloidal silver reduces its absorption.
  • Levothyroxine : also in this case, the intake of colloidal silver reduces the absorption of levothyroxine, thus decreasing its therapeutic efficacy.

Side effects

Side Effects of Colloidal Silver

In advertising their products, many colloidal silver manufacturers fail to specify clearly and clearly that this compound is capable of causing side effects .

In detail, the intake of colloidal silver can cause the metal in question to accumulate in various tissues and organs, such as kidneys, muscles, liver, spleen, brain, intestine, skin, etc. The prolonged intake - especially if at high doses - can lead to a continuous increase in the levels of the metal in question, with the consequent appearance of a gray-bluish skin color . This condition takes the name of argyria and can occur - depending on how the colloidal silver was taken (route of assumption and posology) - both in localized and generalized form.

Argyria is irreversible and usually limits itself to altering skin coloring; however, in isolated cases triggered by oral intake of colloidal silver, the onset of severe hepatic, renal and neurological complications has been reported.

Finally, following the oral intake or following the application of colloidal silver on the skin and mucous membranes, there is also the risk of the appearance of irritations and / or allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Can Colloidal Silver be used in Pregnancy and during Lactation?

The use of colloidal silver - both internal and external - is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation. In fact, this metal is able to pass the placenta and it has been shown that an increase in its levels in the body of the pregnant woman can cause extremely negative repercussions on the fetus, such as abnormalities in the development of the ear, face and neck.

Therefore, expectant mothers and breastfeeding women should not take and use colloidal silver in any of its forms.

Effectiveness and Security of Use

Is Colloidal Silver Really Effective and Safe to Use?

The answer to this question is negative. If on one hand the supporters of this product exalt its certain efficacy and absolute safety, on the other hand, numerous doctors absolutely do not agree on this. In fact, even if the antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties seem to have been partly confirmed by some in vitro studies, there are not enough studies to establish a real effectiveness even in the human being. In addition, the scientific literature does not report enough data about the actual safety of use of the product in humans or animals (in some cases, even veterinarians prescribe treatments based on the product in question). On the contrary, as we have seen, the use without control of products based on colloidal silver can lead to the onset of serious disorders.

In conclusion, the efficacy and safety of use of this product have not yet been clarified and completely defined. Not surprisingly, modern medicine does not consider the use of colloidal silver as safe and even effective, which, unlike what is claimed by manufacturers and supporters, can potentially produce very negative effects on the patient's health.

Therefore, the invitation is renewed to consult your doctor before starting any treatment with colloidal silver, even more so if you suffer from some disorder or pathology, if you are undergoing drug therapy, if you are pregnant or if you are breastfeeding.