woman's health

Utero Antiverso of A.Griguolo


The antiveroid uterus is the abnormality of the uterus marked by an excessive inclination towards the abdominal wall of the whole organ in question.

Usually asymptomatic, the antiverse anti-uterus is not a serious condition and, from a medical-clinical point of view, it is certainly less relevant than the retroverted uterus.

In most cases, the antiverse vein is a congenital feature, just as blue eyes and blond hair can be; more rarely, it is a consequence of circumstances such as: pregnancy, childbirth, caesarean section, endometriosis and surgical procedures involving the pelvic organs.

The diagnosis of the antiverse uterus is easy and is based on the pelvic exam and / or pelvic ultrasound.

The antiverse anti-vein does not require any treatment, because it has no repercussions on female fertility or on the course of a possible pregnancy.

Short reference to the uterus

Unequal and hollow, the uterus is the female genital organ, which serves to receive the fertilized egg cell (that is, the future fetus) and to guarantee its correct development during the 9 months of pregnancy.

It resides in the small pelvis, precisely between bladder (anteriorly), rectum (posteriorly), intestinal loops (superiorly) and vagina (inferiorly).

During the lifetime, the uterus changes its shape; if up to the pre-pubertal age it has an elongated appearance similar to a glove finger, in adulthood it looks a lot like an inverted (or upside-down) pear, while in the post-menopausal phase it gradually reduces its volume and is crushed.

From a macroscopic point of view, doctors divide the uterus into two distinct main regions: a larger and larger portion, called the uterus body (or uterine body ), and a narrower portion, called the cervix (or cervix ).

According to the most accurate descriptions, the uterus presents two other areas, in addition to the body of the uterus and the uterine cervix: they are the isthmus of the uterus and the fundus (or base) of the uterus. The isthmus of the uterus is the narrowing that divides the body and the neck of the uterus. The fundus (or base of the uterus) is the upper portion of the body, located above the imaginary line that connects the two fallopian tubes. It is rounded in shape and protrudes forward.

What is the Uterus Antiverso?

The antiverso anterior is the abnormality of the uterus characterized by an excessive inclination forward, towards the abdomen, of the entire organ in question.

For experts in the field, the uterus is antiverse when it forms at least an angle of about 90 ° (right angle) with the axis of the vagina .

The antiverse vein is not a serious condition ; certainly, from the medical-clinical point of view it is much less relevant than the retroverted uterus, that is the abnormality of the uterus in which the entire organ is excessively deviated backwards towards the back.

The antiverse anterior is a widespread condition; many women, however, are unaware that they are carriers, as, as mentioned above, it tends to have no significant clinical significance.

What would be the normal position of the uterus?

The anatomical normality of the female human body would like the uterus to present only a slight tilt forward towards the abdomen.

In other words, a uterus is in a normal position when it is bent forward, but not too much (because otherwise we should talk about the anti-vein uterus).

In light of this, the antiverse anti-uterus can be interpreted as an accentuation of the normal position of the uterus or as a "natural" variant of the normal position of the uterus.

Uterus Antiverso and Utero Antiflesso: the differences

The condition of the anti-venous uterus should not be confused with the condition of the anti-flexion uterus, in which there is always an inclination towards the uterus, however this inclination only affects the body of the uterus.


In most cases, the antiverse anti-uterus is a congenital condition (ie present since birth), not attributable to any particular cause and comparable to having blue eyes instead of brown ones or having blond rather than black hair; more rarely, it is a condition acquired over a lifetime, due to a certain event or condition.

Did you know that ...

The presence of a uterus tilted forward toward the abdomen - which does not mean by force uterus anti-veer - is detectable in 75 women per 100, or in 75% of cases.

In the remaining 25% of cases, the uterus is oriented backwards, towards the back (retroverted uterus).

Possible Causes of Antiveroid Acquired

Among the possible causes of acquired anti-sputum uterus, include:

  • Pregnancy
  • The birth event;
  • Surgery for the uterus or another of the pelvic organs;
  • Endometriosis . It is the important medical condition characterized by the presence of endometrial tissue (ie the innermost tunic of the uterus) where this tissue is not normally present, therefore outside the uterus or in inappropriate parts of the uterus;
  • The practice of cesarean section .

The aforementioned circumstances can play the role of causes of the anti-venous uterus, because they are potentially able to modify the shape of the uterus and, consequently, its placement in space.

Risk Factors of Uterus Antiverte

They are particularly predisposed to develop the condition of antivusory uterus:

  • Women who have different pregnancies over a lifetime;
  • Women undergoing uterine surgery or another of the pelvic organs;
  • Women suffering from endometriosis;
  • Women who gave birth by caesarean section.

Symptoms and Complications

Most of the time, the antiverse anti-uterus is not associated with any symptoms or signs, which makes it an unsuspected condition.

In those rare circumstances in which the anti-vein uterus is symptomatic (ie responsible for symptoms), it causes a sense of pressure or real pain in the anterior pelvis ( pelvic pain ).

When is the Uterus Antiverte symptomatic?

The antiverse anterior uterus is a symptomatic condition, when the inclination of the uterus is very pronounced and determines a strong compression at the level of the inner wall of the lower abdomen.

When the forward inclination of the uterus is very pronounced, one speaks of a severe antiverse vein.

Anterior Uterus and Fertility

At one time, on the basis of old knowledge, the doctors believed that the antiverse anti-vein impaired female fertility; in other words, they believed that an overly inclined uterus reduced the woman's ability to conceive.

Today, on the other hand, thanks also to the data that emerged from new research, they know for certain that the beliefs of the past were wrong and that the antiverso anterior represents only in rare cases and only when an obstacle to the fertility of the woman is associated with important medical conditions .

Did you know that ...

In a country like the United States, the main causes of female infertility are ovulation problems, abnormalities of the uterine cervix and fallopian tubes and the presence of so-called uterine polyps.

Anterior Uterus and Pregnancy

When doctors discovered that the antiveroid uterus does not normally affect a woman's fertility, they also found that excessive tilting forward in the uterus does not interfere with the course of a possible pregnancy . In other words, the presence of an antiverse vein is not a source of danger during pregnancy, neither for the mother nor for the fetus.

Uterus Antiverte and Sexual Life

Generally, the antiverse vein is not a cause of dyspareunia, ie pain during sexual activity.

In case it was, however, it is good that the woman concerned contacts her doctor and relies on her advice / indications.

When should I go to the doctor?

The antiverse anti-vein is a condition to be treated by the attending physician, when it causes pressure or pain in the pelvic area or when, as stated above, it is responsible for dyspareunia (very rare).


For the diagnosis of antiveroid uterus, doctors need information from a pelvic exam and / or a pelvic ultrasound .

Pelvic exam

The pelvic exam is an objective examination, during which the doctor (generally a gynecologist ) examines manually, first from the outside and then also from the inside (thanks to a speculum ), the vagina, the uterus (in particular, the cervix), the rectum, the ovaries and the pelvis. In other words, it is an analysis of the main pelvic organs.

Spanning a few minutes, the pelvic exam allows a general assessment of a woman's gynecological health.

In the presence of a condition such as the antiverse vein, the pelvic exam is usually highly significant; in fact, only in rare circumstances is it insufficient for a definitive diagnosis.

Pelvic ultrasound

Pelvic ultrasound is a simple external ultrasound of the lower abdominal area.

Completely painless and without any repercussions on patients' health (NB: it uses ultrasounds and not ionizing radiations), pelvic ultrasound allows the sufficiently detailed study of all the pelvic organs, namely: bladder, end part of the intestine ( rectum and sigma), the prostate complex-vas deferens-seminal vesicles in humans, and the uterus-vagina-fallopian tube-cervix-ovary complex in women.

In a context of anti-venous uterus, pelvic ultrasound is the diagnostic confirmation test, which ascertains and enriches the details that emerged during the pelvic exam.


The antiverse anti-vein does not require special care, because, as previously stated, it is an almost always asymptomatic condition, it is not an obstacle to fertility and it compromises the outcome of a possible pregnancy.

Since the antiveroid uterus does not require any type of treatment, there are neither drugs nor corrective surgical interventions aimed at eliminating the excessive inclination forward of the uterus.


For the reasons already mentioned several times, the prognosis in the presence of the antiverse vein is generally positive.

Did you know that ...

In spite of the antiverse vein, the retroverted uterus is a condition that may require surgery.