woman's health

Female Ejaculation


Female ejaculation is the particular mechanism by which some women, at the time of orgasm or immediately before, expel liquid from the paraurethral ducts.

To secrete the aforementioned liquid are the so-called Skene's glands (or paraurethral glands), which, according to experts in the female and male genital tracts, are equivalent to the human prostate.

Female ejaculation has always been a hotly debated topic. The most recent studies have shown that it is not a phenomenon linked to urinary incontinence and that the emitted liquid is an alkaline substance containing PSA, PAP, traces of glucose and fructose, but not urea or creatinine.

Despite various attempts at investigation, the biological function of female ejaculation is unknown.

What is female ejaculation?

Female ejaculation is the act by which some women expel liquid from the paraurethral ducts at the time of orgasm or immediately before.

In number of two and comparable to small channels, the paraurethral ducts reside in the vagina; precisely, they are located to the right and left of the external opening of the urethra, but at a slightly lower level.

The paraurethral ducts are in connection with the so-called Skene glands (or paraurethral glands ), which represent the site of production of the emitted (or ejaculated) liquid, on the occasion of female ejaculation.

For the function they perform and, partly, also for the content of the fluid they secrete, the Skene glands are equivalent to the male prostate .

What is orgasm?

Briefly, orgasm is the maximum expression of sexual excitation resulting from the stimulation of the erogenous zones and sexual organs.


Female ejaculation is a phenomenon that affects only a minority of women with some regularity.

Its exact incidence in the female population is uncertain. Most likely, this uncertainty is based on the fact that women find the subject embarrassing and often prefer not to respond to it.

One of the most convincing studies on the spread of female ejaculation belongs to a certain Stanislav Kratochvil and dates back to 1994. Kratochvil took a group of 200 women from the Czech Republic as a sample and found that only 6% of these ejaculated regularly.


Female ejaculation has been a much debated topic for several decades.

To try to understand its origin, sexologists and experts of the female genital apparatus have studied in depth the phenomenon, highlighting some fundamental characteristics and clarifying some doubts.


Until the early 1980s, most doctors and sexologists believed that the phenomenon of female ejaculation was somehow related to urinary incontinence and that the emitted liquid was similar to urine .

To show that the aforementioned beliefs were inaccurate were different research groups, starting in 1982 . In fact, this year, various scholars established with a certain degree of certainty that the female ejaculate is not urine (although it also has an alkaline nature), has no connection with the urinary losses to which some women are subjected during sexual intercourse and, finally, is the result of the secretory activity of some glands of the female genital apparatus. The discovery that the glands involved in the production of the liquid are the Skene's glands dates back to 2000.

According to the most recent investigations, there is no relationship between female ejaculation and the presence of urological problems in women.


The various researches on the female ejaculate have shown that the liquid has the following characteristics:

  • It has an alkaline pH like urine, although it does not contain urea or creatinine (fundamental elements in determining the alkalinity of urine).
  • It contains two substances equivalent to PSA (prostate specific antigen) and to PAP (prostatic acid phosphatase) of man. PSA and PAP are two proteins that, in humans, originate from the prostate, while in women they are produced at the level of the Skene glands.

    This property of the Skene glands confirms, once again, the existing equivalence between these elements typical of the female genital apparatus and the male prostate.

  • Contains two sugars, glucose and fructose .


According to a fairly widespread myth, female ejaculation would involve the emission of large quantities of liquid.

The reality of the facts is quite different and, based on the most recent research, the volume of ejaculated emitted is generally comparable to that of a cup of coffee .

Moreover, considering the production of larger volumes as possible clashes with the small dimensions of the Skene glands and with the limited physical space at their disposal for storing the liquid.


The biological function of female ejaculation and the resulting liquid is unknown.

A scientific study published in 2009 has tried to propose an anti-microbial role for the defense of the urinary tract from infections, but the subsequent in-depth studies have been unconvincing.


According to several surveys, most women consider female ejaculation an embarrassing phenomenon that can disturb the sexual life.

It is curious how all this tends to clash with what men think about it: many male subjects see in the female ejaculation of the partner a testimony of their virility and their sexual abilities.