
Fat hair


Greasy hair is a widespread problem and in some ways embarrassing. The hateful feeling of stickiness is not in fact a simple appearance, but the result of an excess of sebum that is deposited on the hair and scalp, favoring its adhesion.

Since the oil produced by the sebaceous glands tends to retain flakes of skin and the dirt with which it comes into contact, a fat hair requires daily washing.

Excess sebum is frequently associated with hair loss. In fact, both problems have, in fact, androgenetic origins, although the two events are not always concomitant. For this reason the term seborrheic alopecia has now fallen into disuse.


Greasy hair has some peculiar characteristics, due to the excessive production of sebum. Among these, we recall:

  • Greasy and opaque appearance, darker than the original color;
  • Easy and continuous dirtiness;
  • Difficulty in maintaining the desired hairstyle;
  • Sometimes presence of bad smell.

To describe the particular condition in which oily hair is found - characterized, in fact, by an excess of oily sebum - doctors use the term " fat seborrhea ".

In normal conditions, sebum lubricates the hair, providing natural protection against external aggression. However, when its production becomes excessive, this substance runs down the hair and accumulates in the scalp, with all the negative consequences of the case. In addition to the aesthetic and hygienic problem, the alteration of the quantity and quality of sebum tends to subtract vitality from the hair.

We talked about the quality of sebum because in some cases the problem of oily hair is linked, not so much to an excessive production of this oily substance, as to its excessive liquefaction. In fact, a more fluid sebum tends to spread more quickly along the hair shaft.


As mentioned, greasy hair is a consequence of excessive sebum production and / or excessive fluidization.

Basically, this occurs for:

  • Hormonal and genetic causes : the problem is largely related to the hyperactivity of enzymes belonging to the 5-alpha reductase family, which convert testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. When the latter is present in high concentrations, it promotes the appearance of acne and seborrhea, accelerates hair loss and sebum production. Moreover, while in the hair it causes a progressive atrophy of the hair bulb, it tends to reinforce the hair in the androgen dependent zones.

    The degree of hair receptivity to the action of dihydrotestosterone is genetically determined.

  • Secondary causes, such as stress, atmospheric pollution, abuse of shampoos that are too aggressive or otherwise of poor compositional quality. These factors can favor the appearance of greasy hair, just as they can worsen the situation when these are caused by causes of genetic and hormonal origin.


The easiest treatment to combat the problem of greasy hair is based on frequent washing with shampoos with little detergency.

The frequency of washing will depend on the severity of the problem which, when it is particularly accentuated, requires daily washing.

In any case, it is right to repeat it, delicate shampoos must be used to avoid removing too much sebum from the surface of the hair, depriving them of their natural protection.

It is also worth spending a few words to dispel the misconception that frequent washing causes an increase in sebaceous production: the secretion of sebum is not in fact influenced by washing .

Instead, it is good practice to dry the hair keeping the hair dryer at a distance of at least thirty centimeters from the scalp, to avoid excessive temperatures further fluidizing the sebum, accentuating the problem.

Once upon a time to combat the most stubborn cases of seborrhea, applications were made on the scalp of hydroalcoholic solutions based on progesterone, in order to keep the local hormonal activity under control. Today, to counteract the unfavorable action of dihydrotestosterone on alopecia and oily hair, more effective drugs have been developed, first of all finasteride (for men), and androgen receptor inhibitors such as cyproterone acetate, flutamide and spironolactone (for women).

Useful tips

To learn more, read: Fat Hair Remedies »

To limit as much as possible the discomfort caused by greasy hair, it can be useful to follow a few simple tips and take some small steps.

First of all, as previously mentioned, oily hair must be washed often, even daily, with delicate shampoos for frequent use, possibly alternated with specific products prescribed by the trichologist.

The number of washes will be greater the more the problem of greasy hair is accentuated and the more the hair is exposed to pollutants and smoke. The hair of a sportsman, for example, requires a higher number of washes.

Even the use of astringent and purifying hair masks could be useful to relieve the discomfort caused by greasy hair.

To learn more: Homemade Oily Hair Mask »

Furthermore, it is essential to remember that hair health also passes through a regular diet. The recommendations are the same as those that ensure well-being and vitality to the rest of the body. Therefore, fresh foods rich in vitamins, but also animal products to ensure the right intake of sulfur proteins (eggs, meat and fish) and mineral salts such as calcium, copper and zinc.

However, if in addition to greasy hair there are signs such as greasy skin, hirsutism, common boils and acne, it is a good rule to consult a dermatologist to ensure that there are no significant hormonal alterations underlying the problem.

What NOT to do

There are many clichés concerning the treatment and care of oily hair. Often, these commonplaces also lead to wrong behaviors that - instead of solving the problem - make it worse and prove to be completely useless, if not harmful.

In this regard, in case of oily hair it is necessary:

  • Avoid drying the hair at excessive temperatures and bringing the hair dryer too close to the head.
  • Avoid using aggressive shampoos, as they will only accentuate the problem of excessive sebum production.
  • Avoid too energetic massages during hair washing.
  • Avoid the use of oils, balms and gels on the scalp, as they may accentuate the shiny and greasy appearance typical of greasy hair.
  • Avoid passing your hands through your hair frequently or brushing them excessively; these are common behaviors in those who suffer from oily hair but, unfortunately, do nothing but increase the spread of sebum along the hair and accentuate the problem.