
San Pellegrino ® Glycerol Glycerine Suppositories


THERAPEUTIC GROUP: Laxatives - Osmotic laxative.

IndicationsAction mechanismStudies and clinical effectiveness Usage and dosage instructionsWarnings Pregnancy and lactationInteractionsContraindicationsUndesirable effects

Indications Suppositories of Glycerine San Pellegrino ® Glycerol

SAN PELLEGRINO ® GLYCERINE SUPPOSITORIES are indicated for the symptomatic treatment of occasional constipation.

Action mechanism Glycerine suppositories San Pellegrino ® Glycerol

SAN PELLEGRINO ® GLYCERINE SUPPOSITORIES provide rectal glycerol. The laxative effects, which are achieved very quickly, are due to the chemical-physical characteristics of this molecule; the high osmotic power and its hygroscopicity guarantee the emollient effect on the faeces, preventing the reabsorption of water, while the local irritating action actively participates in the defecatory reflex, which takes concrete form in a few minutes after taking rectally.

Although the drug is included in the category of osmotic laxatives, in reality the direct effect on the intestinal mucosa makes this active ingredient also a stimulant contact laxative. Given the particular mechanisms of action, glycerol is one of the safest active ingredients in the symptomatological treatment of occasional constipation.

Studies carried out and clinical efficacy


The uptake of glycerin in suppositories seems to be one of the most used methods in the resolution of episodes of occasional constipation. The method seems to be well tolerated and very efficient, maintaining an excellent safety profile without particularly serious side effects.


Colostomy is an artificial communication necessary to connect the colon directly with the abdominal wall, in order to identify an alternative way to guarantee evacuation. It was assumed that the administration of glycerin in suppositories could support the evacuation of the large intestine, reducing the cases of incontinence. Unfortunately, the experiment did not give the desired results, given the impossibility of these patients to retain the suppository for the period necessary to guarantee their effects.


The particular chemical-physical properties of glycerol have proved to be important not only for the resolution of acute constipation episodes, but also for the pharmaceutical preparation. In fact, several pharmaceutical companies use this compound in the creation of suppositories with controlled release of the active ingredient.

Method of use and dosage

SAN PELLEGRINO ® GLYCERINE SUPPOSITORIES for adults with 2, 720 grams of glycerol; for children from 1, 360 g of glycerol; for infants from 0.908 g of glycerol: the intake of a suppository a day, in the case of episodic constipation, should be sufficient to produce the desired laxative effect, especially in conjunction with a diet rich in liquids.

It is important to remember that taking this medicine should never extend beyond 7 days. In case of reduced effect, increased need and administration in children, the advice of your doctor is needed.

Warnings Suppositories of Glycerin San Pellegrino ® Glycerol

Intake of GLYCERINE SAN PELLEGRINO ® SUPPOSITORIES should be limited to cases of occasional constipation, given the need for different therapeutic interventions in cases of chronic constipation, and for short time intervals. In fact, prolonged administration of these medicines could be associated with persistent diarrhea, dehydration and hypokalemia, potentially dangerous for both muscle and heart health, as well as a reduction in the therapeutic efficacy of the product, resulting in intestinal atony and chronic constipation.

Despite the drug SUPICTS OF GLYCERINE SAN PELLEGRINO ® can be sold without a prescription, it would still be preferable to consult the medical opinion in advance, especially for patients suffering from cardiovascular and endocrine-metabolic pathologies.

Glycerol does not seem to interfere with normal vehicle driving and machine use skills at all.


Although the GLICERINE SAN PELLEGRINO® SUPPOSITORIES do not seem able to interfere in any way with the state of health of the unborn child, the absence of studies in this regard does not allow to correctly evaluate the safety profile of glycerol taken during pregnancy or during pregnancy. feeding time.

In the light of these data, we should resort to taking the SAN PELLEGRINO ® GLYCERINE SUPPOSITORIES only in cases of real need and under strict medical supervision.


Glycerol, also taken rectally, significantly reduces intestinal transit time, therefore it could alter the normal pharmacokinetic profile of other active ingredients taken simultaneously, and the relative therapeutic efficacy.

We therefore recommend using laxatives at least two hours after taking other drugs.

Contraindications Suppositories of Glycerine San Pellegrino ® Glycerol

Like other laxatives, the GLICERINE SAN PELLEGRINO® SUPPOSITORIES are not recommended in the case of gastro-intestinal tract diseases, both acute and chronic, nausea and vomiting, rectal bleeding and in case of hypersensitivity to any of the compounds of the medicine .

Undesirable effects - Side effects

The GLICERINE SAN PELLEGRINO® SUPPOSITORIES appear to be well tolerated, and the rare side effects are modest in clinical terms. More precisely, among the most common reactions it is possible to describe cramp-like pains and abdominal colics.

The prolonged intake of this medicine could instead be associated with the presence of profuse diarrhea, with consequent dehydration and hypokalemia in the most serious cases.

Intestinal atony and chronic constipation have also been described in rare circumstances following laxative abuse.


SUPPLEMENTS OF GLYCERINE SAN PELLEGRINO ® is an OTC drug, without the requirement of a medical prescription, therefore it can be sold freely.