infectious diseases

Onychomycosis: why does it mainly affect the feet?

Onychomycosis is an infection that occurs more easily at the level of the feet . In fact, the disorder can also occur in the nails of the hands, but with a much lower frequency.

What makes the foot more vulnerable

The feet constitute the ideal habitat for the proliferation of mycetes : inside the shoes a warm-humid environment is formed, thanks to sweating. Furthermore, the blood circulation reaches the toenails with greater difficulty than the hands, therefore the immune defenses are weaker.

Even the use of little breathable stockings and previous trauma of the nail can facilitate the onset of onychomycosis, as well as the habit of walking barefoot in damp places. Athlete's foot, psoriasis and pathologies that reduce the immune defenses are also predisposing factors.

Some advice

A few simple steps are enough to prevent onychomycosis. First of all, it is necessary to always dry your feet, lingering on nails and interdigital spaces after cleansing. The pedicure should always be accurate and aimed at keeping the nails short and clean . Finally, it is better to prefer non-occlusive shoes and breathable stockings.