
Natural remedies and herbal teas for diabetes

What is Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most widespread endocrine diseases in industrialized countries: it is a pathology characterized by hyperglycemia, hence by the increase in blood sugar; it is caused by reduced insulin secretion by the pancreas, which is often associated with an increased resistance of peripheral tissues to the action of insulin itself.

Diabetes is manifest, and in this case we speak of diabetes mellitus, when fasting blood sugar exceeds 126 mg / dl, while when the glycemic values ​​are between 101 and 125 mg / dl the condition is known as impaired fasting blood glucose .


The characteristic signs of the disease and the diabetic symptoms are to be summarized in:

  • Hyperglycemia ;
  • Polyuria: need to urinate more than normal;
  • Polyphagia : excessive hunger, therefore the desire to eat exaggeratedly;
  • Polydipsia : need to drink above the norm;
  • Glycosuria : presence of sugar in the urine.

Types of Diabetes

Diabetes is a multifactorial disease and can be divided according to aetiology in 5 different types:

  • DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE 1 : in this type of diabetes we have a destruction of pancreatic beta cells, which are those that produce insulin. This destruction can be on an autoimmune basis, in which case the antibodies recognize the non-self insulin-secreting pancreatic cells, or on an idiopathic basis, that is, not correlated to a certain etiology, excluding however the autoimmune one. This diabetic picture, being insulin-dependent, and having an appearance in young age, is more severe than the other forms.
  • DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE 2 : diabetes is characterized by hyperglycemia due to altered insulin secretion by the pancreas and / or by the development of insulin resistance (normal insulin production with specific receptor deficiency for this hormone). Type 2 diabetes has a prevalent appearance in adulthood, it can be favored by an unregulated diet and a sedentary lifestyle; it is often associated with a picture of obesity.
  • MODY ( Maturity Onset of the Diabetes of the young ): the Mody is due to a series of genetic alterations of the pancreas, which determine a deficit in the function of beta cells; it is serious but represents a fairly rare pathology.
  • SECONDARY DIABETES MELLITUS : diabetes, in addition to having an immune, alimentary and genetic base, can be a consequence of certain pathologies that affect the endocrine system, or the intake of drugs that act at a metabolic level. Some examples: diseases of the exocrine pancreas; endocrinopathies (Cushing's syndrome, pheochromocytoma and hyperthyroidism); use of drugs such as glucocorticoids, thyroid hormones, beta-blockers and thiazides; some types of infections (cytomegalovirus); genetic disorders (Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, Huntington's chorea);
  • PRAISE DIABETES : with an incidence of 2-5% of pregnancies, some pregnant women develop diabetes mellitus, which - although it represents a transient and easily treatable condition - if underestimated, can compromise the health of the fetus and the newborn (excessive weight at birth can be one of the consequences).


Diabetes represents a real health problem, since in the long term it can lead to very serious complications, especially at the level of the circulatory system, but not only: atherosclerosis, diabetic glomerulopathy (kidney), diabetic retinopathy, diabetic neuropathy and ulcer diabetic are just some of the associated diseases.


Before talking about the natural remedies that can help in the treatment of diabetic pathology it is necessary to specify and underline that this is a serious disease that, as such, must be treated effectively with adequate drug therapy and with a correct lifestyle .

Since diabetes is a disease linked to glucose metabolism, the first factor that must be corrected in affected individuals is nutrition: it is necessary to moderate the consumption of carbohydrates without eliminating them completely, but reducing their daily intake and avoiding the intake of sugars simple (representing an immediate form of glucose). Furthermore, for people predisposed to hyperglycemia, there are some rules that must be strictly respected: avoid overweight and eat regular meals throughout the day. To avoid excessive consumption of carbohydrates: increase the intake of whole grains and fiber-rich starchy foods; consume vegetables and fresh fruit (avoid dried and very sweet fruit such as grapes and figs), but also eggs, fish and white meat to ensure adequate protein intake; eliminate or drastically reduce alcohol consumption and limit the consumption of salt and salty foods.

After having corrected the feeding, one must act on the level of physical exercise (when other pathologies do not forbid it), in order to prevent the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Diabetes drugs

Traditional Pharmacological Therapy

Type 1 diabetes requires daily administration (even several times a day) of insulin, through subcutaneous injections or through the use of pumps (insulin pumps); non-insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes requires treatment with drugs capable of acting on blood glucose and insulin production. The drugs mainly used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes are:

  • SULFANILUREE (Glibenclamide; Glipizide; Tolbutamide; Chlorpropamide; Glimepiride): this class of drugs stimulates the release of insulin from pancreatic beta cells, reduces serum glucagon levels and increases the binding of insulin to target receptors. Side effects: hypoglycemia, gastrointestinal disorders, itching, nausea, anemia.
  • BIGUANIDES (Metformin; Fenformin): these drugs do not stimulate insulin secretion but increase the sensitivity to the insulin of the target tissues. Side effects: lactic acidosis, diarrhea, metallic taste, anorexia.
  • ALPHA-GLUCOSIDASE INHIBITORS (Acarbose; Miglitol): drugs that inhibit the alpha-glucosidase present on the intestinal brush border, consequently reducing the absorption of sugars. Side effects: flatulence, diarrhea, abdominal cramps.