training techniques

Training in Rest Pause

By Dr. Luca Franzon

Let's go with this article to go into high-intensity methods, trying to understand what an intense workout really is.

With this article of mine I want to make it clear that excellent results can be obtained in terms of hypertrophy, even with natural training, if done intelligently and if supported by adequate nutrition and adequate recovery time between sessions.

We often hear of intensity, of intense training, of increasing intensity, but we can hardly understand what it means. If we take a text that speaks of preparation for athletics we will find that the intensity represents the work carried out in the unit of time through a series of stimuli (kg lifted, meters / second, meters and centimeters in throws and jumps). The intensity, in these cases, is calculated with the following formula:

This formula is good for athletics but certainly not suitable for those who practice physical culture. The reason is very simple: let's imagine two athletes who use the same load and make the same serial number and the same number of repetitions, only that the first one takes 4 seconds to perform a "blow" and the second takes 10, who is training more intensely? According to the formula the first, but you are all invited to try to notice how much the second workout is much more intense !!

The late Emilio They argued that training intensity is determined by the amount of motor fibers recruited to perform reps. I personally maintain that a workout is intense when it stimulates the highest number of muscle components (myofibrils, mitochondria, capillaries, sarcoplasm, phosphate deposits, muscle glycogen deposits). Of course being able to stimulate all the muscular components in a single training session is not easy, even if we tried with particular training methods to get as close as possible to total stimulation (6-12-24 and stripping). The best solution is to plan the training in mesocycles during which differentiated stimulations are sought for the various muscle components.

In this article we will try to increase the intensity of your training with the technique of REST PAUSE.

The rest pause technique is borrowed from athletics, and is nothing more than an interval training adapted to the weights. That is a set of stimuli and precise and targeted breaks. The rest pause is based on the use of the anaerobic alactacid system better known as the ATP system and the phosphocreatine system or the phosphagene system, since the aim is precisely to deplete the reserves of phosphagens, so that our body is supercompensated and the increases to face new stimuli. We will therefore have intense and brief stimuli to avoid the production of lactic acid followed by equally short pauses, given that already in 20/30 seconds the phosphagene system has recovered from 50% to 70%. We must now talk about the load and the number of reps to be performed.

  1. PANCA PIANA 1-2 REPS 10/15 "1/2 ...... TDR AND SO VIA VIA TO ARRIVE AT 6/8 REPS

The variables applicable to this type of training are varied. I can play on the load used, I can play on the pauses between the reps keeping them fixed or increasing them, I can play on the weight by scaling it to be able to always perform the same number of reps. The result in the end is to have significantly increased the intensity of my training. Example A shows us how with the rest pause method I can get to perform 6/8 reps with a load that on average allowed me 1/2 IF THIS IS NOT INTENSITY !!!!!!

I conclude by recalling that the more I train intensely the more I have to rest the more I have to eat. The recommended supplement for this type of training and certainly the creatine. At this point I can only wish you good training !!!!!