
Dandruff - Causes and Symptoms

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Dandruff is the expression of an intense scaling of the scalp. It appears with the detachment of whitish flakes of dry and dead skin at the base of the hair, expression of an excessive turnover of epithelial cells (keratinocytes).

A symptom that usually accompanies dandruff is itching, which can amplify the detachment of the scales (if you give in to the need to scratch). Another manifestation may be irritation of the scalp, which is red and particularly fat or dry.

Different causes can contribute to this problem: predisposition, physical or emotional stress, hormonal changes, dry or oily skin, increased sebaceous secretion and incorrect eating habits (eg excessive consumption of fat, alcohol abuse and poor diet in foods rich in zinc, group B vitamins, etc.). Dandruff can be favored by irritation caused by some hair care products (shampoos, gels or other cosmetics): if these cause contact dermatitis they can trigger the mechanism at the base of dandruff. There are also yeasts normally present on the skin ( Malassezia furfur and / or Malassezia globosa ), which thrive on the lipids produced by the scalp producing an irritative effect that can accentuate or cause the disorder.

Dandruff generally affects men and occurs most frequently in adulthood; it can be a symptom of seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis (when it affects the scalp).

Possible Causes * of Dandruff

  • Contact allergy
  • Seborrheic dermatitis
  • Dermatophytosis
  • Ichthyosis
  • Tinea capitis