

Edited by Roberto Rillo - Book Author: Calisthenics BodyBuilding

Will it be natural or is it doped? This question often fills the columns of the numerous body building forums. Not only that, this diatribe often occupies the discussions of the practitioners outside and inside the gyms, in short, it is a topic heard. Unfortunately the answer is not so simple and does not make it possible to divide the natural and the doped into two opposite sides. If you have read my article "what is body building" on this site, you will already have a half answer in hand: any excellent physical state, where muscle volumes harmonize in "wonderful balance" and definition is a condition in itself "innatural".

But obviously the question and the curiosity of the practitioners refers to doping, that is to the fact if certain muscular developments are obtainable without anabolic and related steroids.

Certainly on the development of the "blond guy" in the upper right photo, there is no doubt: excellent genetics, years of training and a very sophisticated mountain of doping. No one, even if genetically gifted, can reach a similar level of muscularity and definition without resorting to drugs.

The doubts come in judging the harmonious development from the Greek god of the "moretto" of the photo in the upper left. Here most argue that it is a development that can be achieved without doping or precisely natural muscle development.

Let's start by saying that the term "natural", originally coined to spread a more normal muscular development, is completely misunderstood. In natural competitions, paradoxically there seems to be no mandatory anti-doping test and the parameters used to limit muscle development (such as height / weight) actually eliminate only certain doping in favor of another. If there are no limits to development in a given category, doping will be used both to seek maximum muscularity and maximum definition. If, on the other hand, there are limits, doping will focus on substances capable of encouraging bulking with the same weight and definition. In any case, any development that combines the highest aesthetic muscle mass and definition, draws on doping.

Hard to admit it, but it's true. Aren't you convinced? I give you another element: the development of the arms. Bodybuilding aesthetics wants huge arms, enormous compared to the natural proportion that exists between the limbs and the bust. By becoming large and strong in a natural way, the anatomical proportion does not change much, it increases the body weight and the muscle mass of the bust and limbs in the complex.

Instead returning to the upper left photo, the subject shows in proportion, an incredible muscular development of the arms, typical of the bodybuilding aesthetic!

Finally, to complicate the judgment even more, there are boys with mediocre physicists, who, to get their abdominal muscles or biceps a little rounder, take ephedrine or make "steroid bikes". They thus show a discrete physical form that could really be natural, but which is actually the result of doping!

So what is the conclusion, will it be natural? Will he be doped? It will be that there is often much more doping than you can imagine ...