massage techniques

Tui Na or Tuina massage: What is it? What it serves, Benefits and Contraindications of I.Randi


The Tui Na massage or Tuina massage is a special type of Chinese massage .

Like many other oriental massages, Tui Na also aims to treat a variety of disorders by restoring the correct flow of vital energy . According to traditional Chinese medicine, in fact, an alteration of this flow is able to favor the appearance of disorders, discomforts and diseases in the individual.

Traditionally, the Tui Na massage is used to regulate blood and lymphatic circulation and to regulate the flow of hormones ; today, however, it is used above all to combat or alleviate painful symptoms of various kinds (joint pain, muscle pain, headache, cervical pain, etc.).

What is that

What is Tui Na Massage?

The Tui Na massage is a special type of Chinese massage characterized by numerous maneuvers and manipulations, expertly combined together in order to offer a personalized treatment for each person.

The objective of the Tui Na massage is to guarantee the maintenance and improve - where needed - the flow of vital energy " Qi " that flows in the body of each individual within specific channels called meridians .

The Tui Na massage, therefore, is based on the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine and this is why it is considered as an alternative medicine treatment .

What is it for

What is Tui Na Massage for?

As mentioned, according to traditional Chinese medicine, the execution of the manipulations that characterize the Tui Na massage should favor the flow of vital energy within the meridians present in the body of the individual. In fact, according to the philosophy behind this massage, the stagnation of vital energy and / or changes in its flow would be responsible for the onset of disorders and pathologies in the person.

Therefore, through the typical manipulations of the Tui Na massage, the masseur should be able to restore the normal energy flow and to favor the disappearance of the ailments of which the individual suffers.

However, generally, the Tui Na massage is used in case of:

  • Muscular and / or articular pains of different types;
  • Cervical pain;
  • Backache;
  • Headache;
  • Sciatic pains;
  • Disorders due to alterations (generally not pathological) of blood and lymphatic circulation;
  • Menstrual disorders;
  • Abdominal swelling;
  • Stress and non-pathological anxiety states;
  • Irritability and mood changes.

Please note

Since it is not considered as a real therapeutic treatment, the Tui Na massage has no precise indications and there is no guarantee that its execution is effective in contrasting or reducing the aforementioned pains or disorders.

In any case, please note that, if you suffer from any type of illness, before undergoing Tui Na massage sessions, you should consult your doctor .

How you do it

How is Tui Na Massage performed?

First of all, it should be pointed out that - even if it is a non-invasive treatment that can be carried out in wellness and beauty centers - the Tui Na massage should be performed only by professional and qualified masseurs who are thoroughly familiar with the techniques of manipulation that characterizes it and, at the same time, that know the human body and the points on which to intervene to favor the well-being of the massaged. In fact, a massage performed by inexperienced or unqualified personnel could be ineffective or even harmful.

Before the massage

Before practicing the Tui Na massage, the massage therapist should usually undergo an interview with the massaged person in order to try to understand what are the problems that afflict him and - according to Chinese tradition - what are the energy imbalances that could cause it . In other words, the massage therapist should do what is called an " energy assessment " of the individual. Based on this assessment, the expert masseur can then develop a personalized treatment for each person.

The Massage

The Tui Na massage should be performed in a calm and peaceful place . Normally, oils or other substances are not used, therefore, depending on the area that is to be massaged, it is possible to carry out massage clothes or in any case wearing one's own underwear.

The Tui Na massage is characterized above all by the execution of kneading and extension movements, but also involves the execution of tractions, percussion, pressure, friction, articular mobilization maneuvers and " rolling " movements. Manipulations are usually performed with the hands (fingers, palm and knuckles), but elbows and forearms can also be used.

The maneuvers that characterize the Tui Na massage - about forty, to be precise - can be combined in different ways depending on the problems presented by the massaged person.

However, generally, a session of this type of Chinese massage lasts about 40-50 minutes.

Did you know that ...

According to some sources consulted, the Tui Na massage should be carried out on an empty stomach; fasting which should then be maintained for an additional hour after the end of the session. In any case, to obtain more precise information on the matter, it is advisable to ask the masseur who will carry out the treatment for information.

Expected benefits

What benefits should Tui Na Massage bring?

According to those who practice Tui Na massage, the manipulations that characterize it should rebalance the energy flow in the individual's body. All this should lead to the resolution of various disorders that can occur when the flow of vital energy is altered or blocked.

Going into more detail, according to those who practice it, the Tui Na massage should:

  • Improve both blood and lymphatic circulation, exercising - where needed - a lymphatic drainage action;
  • Accelerate healing processes in the event of trauma, bruises, distortions, etc .;
  • Improve mobility and both joint and muscle function;
  • Reduce muscle and joint pain, such as back pain, cervical pain, low back pain, etc .;
  • Reduce headaches;
  • Reduce abdominal bloating;
  • Strengthen the immune system;
  • Adjust the flow of hormones in the body;
  • In women, promote regularization of the menstrual cycle;
  • Counteracting sleep disorders;
  • Counteracting states of stress, anxiety (non-pathological) and irritability by promoting relaxation.

Please note

Not all of the above reported benefits that Tui Na massage should bring have been confirmed or supported by adequate or sufficient scientific studies. Therefore, it is said that the massage in question can always be useful and effective.

However, some studies (2018) are underway that are investigating the potential of Tui Na massage in the treatment of some forms of both acute and chronic pain (for example, chronic pain in the neck, pain during labor, etc.).

Although it is a treatment belonging to an alternative medicine (traditional Chinese) not officially approved by modern medicine, there are several people who, undergoing Tui Na massage sessions, declare to benefit from them. In fact, it is plausible that the manipulations performed can alleviate minor pains in joints and muscles, relieve pain localized in the cervical level, dissolve any muscular tension or improve blood and lymphatic circulation, provided they are correctly performed by qualified and competent masseurs.

Moreover, it is also likely that the execution of the Tui Na massage may favor the psychophysical relaxation of the massaged.


When the Tui Na Massage should NOT be done

Although it is a non-invasive treatment, the Tui Na massage has several contraindications, as indeed happens with any other type of massage. Specifically, the Tui Na massage should not be practiced on individuals:

  • With severe cardiac and / or vascular diseases;
  • With severe liver disease;
  • Suffering from diseases that increase the risk of gastric or intestinal perforation;
  • With ongoing infectious diseases;
  • With disorders or skin diseases in areas that should be affected by the massage (for example, infections, inflammation, injuries, burns, etc.);
  • Pregnant;
  • Elderly and / or debilitated.

In any case, if you are suffering from particular disorders or conditions - even if not listed in the aforementioned list - before undergoing a Tui Na massage session, the importance of contacting your doctor in advance is reiterated.