nutrition and health

Balanced diet

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Balanced or balanced nutrition means a way of eating that is correct both in terms of quantity and quality.

The balanced diet aims to ensure an adequate supply of energy and nutrients, preventing both deficiencies and nutritional excesses (both harmful).

Importance of a Varied Diet

To be balanced, nutrition must also be varied. In this way, in fact, it is more likely that all the nutrients the body needs are taken in the right quantities. Furthermore, the negative consequences deriving from the ingestion of potentially harmful substances, which may be present from the beginning or be formed following the processes of processing, preservation and cooking of the food, are minimized.

Old Food Pyramid

At the beginning of the 1990s, the so-called food pyramid was widespread in the United States, with the aim of providing a simple guide in choosing food and the right portions. The foods present at the base of the polygon were those to be consumed in greater quantities and, as one ascended towards the apex of the pyramid, the contribution of the various foods represented in the figure had to be reduced.

The pyramid was created to spread a brief but incisive message to the US population: fats are bad and complex carbohydrates do well. The transmission of such a signal was essential to reduce the presence of fat in the American diet.

The invitation to reduce the lipid intake stemmed from the observation that in western countries the abundant consumption of lipids was accompanied by a high incidence of cardiovascular diseases.

Subsequently numerous scientific evidences showed that this correlation is valid only if an excess of saturated fats is consumed. In contrast, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids reduce blood triglyceride levels and as such have an antithrombotic action. Furthermore, monounsaturated fatty acids (such as oleic acid found mainly in olive oil) lower LDL cholesterol levels, without affecting those of HDL cholesterol.

It should also be borne in mind that not all complex carbohydrates are good for you. For example, refined grains (white bread, polished rice) cause faster increases in blood sugar than full-grain ones (ie they have a higher glycemic index). Moreover, the refining process impoverishes the precious load of fibers, vitamins and mineral salts contained in whole foods.

In the old food pyramid there is also no distinction between the different protein sources; today, we know instead that it is good to favor the consumption of white meats and fish, because they are poorer in unsaturated fats, more digestible and, as regards fish specialties, richer in omega-three fatty acids. On the other hand, the consumption of red meat, eggs and dairy products must be limited.

Finally, the dried fruit must be present, albeit in limited quantities, in the daily diet. These foods are in fact precious, because they are rich in vitamin E and "good" fats. Unfortunately, dried fruit is extremely caloric and should therefore be consumed with a certain moderation (10-20 g per day).

The New Pyramid for a balanced diet

On the basis of these criticisms, a new food pyramid has been disseminated, underlining the extreme importance of daily physical activity, proper hydration and control of body weight.

The guidelines of the new pyramid for a healthy diet, encourage the consumption (moderate) of healthy fats and that of whole grains. On the contrary, the consumption of refined carbohydrates and red meat is discouraged. These dietary recommendations have been drawn up on the basis of epidemiological studies, which have ascertained that eating in this way reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. On the other hand, constant exercise and maintaining a healthy weight reduce the incidence of many types of cancer.