
Personalized training

By Dr. Antonio Parolisi

Fourth part

And now we finally come to the drafting of a weekly training plan for our subject, which we consider to be a motivated subject and who intends to increase the musculature to the fullest.

For the criterion of muscular priority I choose to give space at the beginning of the week to the muscles that need a high volume of training.

So Monday (or 1st day, as you see fit) trains the ischiocrural that will recover all week but also quadriceps and calves. For the discourse of the multiarticular of first choose squat-like exercises and lunges in progression that stimulate all the muscles of the lower limb: in the following order:

Squat; Lunging in progression Leg Curl, leg extension, calf raise. This order will seem familiar to you but as you have seen there is a criterion for arriving at this order because if the subject had a different composition the order would have been different and perhaps even the exercises. I repeat, it depends on the subject !!!

On Tuesday (or 2nd day) trains the biceps and abdomen ridges; therefore from the work of the ridges they will work abundantly the biceps and brachialis that therefore will need few sets to complete the training and finally the abdominals with a specific job. So in the following order: Traction at the bar or lat machine, rower with handlebar or Row Machine, Curl with barbell or dumbbell or on a 45 ° bench (better the latter to complete the training range in terms of ROM, Range of Motion) and crunch;

On Wednesday (3rd day) he trains his pectorals and triceps; therefore working the pectorals with multiarticular exercises will also abundantly work the triceps which will therefore require few series mainly in lengthening. In the following order Paca horizontal or inclined (but in the latter the work mainly of deltoids takes place, in this case considering that the deltoids are mixed composition we can "stress" them more than once), then crosses with the pectoral machine or with dumbbells if in this last variant we will involve in a static way the biceps that worked the day before but in this case we can solicit them again, then french press with dumbbells to dynamically lengthen the triceps and complete the work with no more than 2 series;

on Thursday (4th day) he again trains his quadriceps and calves but not directly the Ischiocruralis who need a rest of another 3 days from the previous training. So the exercises will be in the following order: Leg exension, posterior lunges in place and calf raise.

On Friday he trains the deltoids, the biceps and the abdomen. The exercises will be in the following order: considering however that the deltoids have worked in the pectoral workouts at a fast and explosive rate, I choose an exercise that allows me to work more on the deltoid with slow cadences and controlled for long times under tension then side raises, and fronts with supine hands that will involve the biceps in such a way as to reduce the number of sets of the subsequent curl-ups, and finally the crunches or other stabilization exercise for the abdomen which does not involve much, other body parts such as the Bridge on the elbows.

Summarizing the terms of the training card we will have (omitting the indications for aerobic activity and stretching for which other separate articles would be necessary), as follows:

MondaySquat 3 sets of 20 repetitions with slow and controlled cadence, approximately for 60-80 seconds with at most 1 minute of rest between sets using a load equal to about 45% of 1Rmax for the squat:

Lunges in progression 3 sets of 20 steps slow and controlled with body weight or barbell to stabilize the position with short recoveries of 1 minute.

Leg Curl 3 sets of 5-8 repetitions with explosive cadence in the concentric and moderate phase in the eccentric phase, for about 15-20 seconds with a load equal to 75-85% of 1Rmax with rest of 2-3min.

Leg extension 3 sets of 20 repetitions with slow and controlled cadence, approximately for 60-80 seconds with at most 1 minute of rest between sets using a load equal to about 45% of 1Rmax.

Calf raise 4 sets of 20 repetitions with slow and controlled cadence, about 60-80 seconds with at most 1 minute of rest between sets using a load equal to about 45% of 1Rmax.

TuesdayPull-ups 6 sets of about 10 repetitions (if you find a certain ease in reaching 10 and even more repetitions then use an extra load that allows you to reach 10 repetitions while if the body is too heavy to pull up for 10 repetitions use Gravitron-type machines that push the subject from under the knees or anyway with a partner that can allow optimal reps to be reached), or the lat machine on the chest (absolutely not behind the back !!! (...)), with an explosive cadence in the concentric and moderate phase in the eccentric phase for about 8-10 repetitions for 20-30 seconds with a training rate of about 75% of 1Rmax with rest between sets of 1.5-2 min.

3-set rower with handlebar set of 20 with slow and controlled cadence, about for 60-80 seconds with at most 1 minute of rest between sets using a load equal to 40-45% of 1Rmax.

Curl Up on bench 45 ° 2 sets of 20 repetitions with slow and controlled cadence, approximately for 60-80 seconds with at most 1 minute of rest between the sets using a load equal to about 40-45% of 1Rmax

Crunch with disc resting on the chest 3 sets of 20 repetitions with slow and controlled cadence, about for 60-80 seconds with at most 1 minute of rest between the sets.

Wednesday3 sets flat bench of 5-8 repetitions with explosive frequency in the concentric and moderate phase in the eccentric phase, for about 15-20 seconds with a load equal to 75-85% of 1Rmax with rest of 2-3min.

Pectroral machine or similar 3 sets of 5-8 repetitions with an explosive rate in the concentric phase and moderate in the eccentric phase, for about 15-20 seconds with a load equal to 75-85% of 1Rmax with rest of 2-3min.

French press with triceps 3 sets of 5-8 repetitions with explosive cadence in the concentric and moderate phase in the eccentric phase, for about 15-20 seconds with a load equal to 75-85% of 1Rmax with rest of 2-3min.

ThursdayLeg extension 4 sets of 20 repetitions with slow and controlled cadence, approximately for 60-80 seconds with at most 1 minute of rest between sets using a load equal to about 45% of 1Rmax.

Seat backs in place 4 sets per leg of 20 repetitions with slow and controlled cadence, about for 60-80 seconds with at most 1 minute of rest between the sets using a load that allows you to finish the set

Calf raise 4 sets of 20 repetitions with slow and controlled cadence, 60-80 seconds with at most 1 minute of rest between sets using a load of about 40-45% of 1Rmax.

FridayLateral risers 4 sets of 20 repetitions with slow and controlled cadence, for 60-80 seconds with at most 1 minute of rest between the sets using a load equal to about 45% of 1Rmax.

Front lifts with supine grip 4 sets of 20 repetitions with slow and controlled cadence, for 60-80 seconds with at most 1 minute of rest between sets using a load of about 40-45% of 1Rmax.

Curl up with EZ angled rocker 2 sets of 20 repetitions with slow and controlled cadence, for 60-80 seconds with at most 1 minute of rest between the sets using a load of about 40-45% of 1Rmax.

Curl on bench 45 ° 2 sets of 20 repetitions with slow and controlled cadence, for 60-80 seconds with at most 1 minute of rest between sets using a load equal to about 45% of 1Rmax.

Crunch with disc resting on the chest 3 sets of 20 repetitions with slow and controlled cadence, for 60-80 seconds with a maximum of 1 minute of rest between the sets.

For the speech made before, inherent to the question of soliciting as many fibers as possible, it should be remembered that workouts that are conceptually for white fibers should be applied sporadically even to red fibers and vice versa in order to recruit greater growth capacity.

Apparently it might seem like a great deal of work but don't forget that we talk in terms of the percentage of training load often close to 45% of 1Rmax so even if the volume is relatively high as in the case of Mondays, the intensity of work is still contained, therefore the recovery will be fast enough as it does not fatigue the CNS a lot, considering that work has been done in character mainly with an aerobic energy system .. Moreover daily caloric intake changes according to the training day (but this will be another article) .

In any case, this approach is aimed at athletes who intend to increase muscle building with an often competitive purpose.

In the event that there is a need to form a plan on 2 or three weekly training sessions, remember to schedule the program no longer on a weekly basis but on every two weeks. Practically if we train the pectorals on Monday 1 January we should train them again on Monday 14 January and thus adjust the plan not to 7 but rather 14 days.

From what has been explained at this point it is natural to think that the programming of a workout is not done by looking at a person in costume and organizing a weekly or monthly workout at will, but you need to test the subject with a certain frequency and evaluate the real needs of that person. Organizing a training plan on an annual basis would be the best thing where you will start with a phase of adaptation, then of strength then specific for growth and finally a phase of complete discharge.

It should also be noted that within a year the structural component may undergo variations, in the sense that you might have surprises when, after maybe 5 or 7 months, you go again to test the various muscle areas. I won't add anything else, try ...

I hope I have been helpful in such a way that you will be able to ask the next card that will be presented to you: But why do I slow forward and do not make side lifts? If there will be a technical and valid explanation from a functional, biomechanical and anatomical point of view, then it will mean that you have in front of a professional and that he will guide you in achieving your goal in the best way, but if he does not give you a real motivation to what you do but only fried area with words like "because it's better than the other", be sure you've met another person who claims to be a Personal fitness Trainer but doesn't behave like a fitness Person Trainer ... I hope this makes you think.

For any clarification contact me at the e-mail address .

Good training to all ...
