
Anxious syndrome: natural remedies

Definition of anxious syndrome

In the previous discussion we examined the anxiety syndrome in the event of severity: fortunately, there are also rather mild forms, determined by multiple factors (stress, work, family, etc.) which - embedded one on the other like fragments of puzzles - generate the over-anxiety.

Phytotherapy is an excellent therapeutic aid in moderate or medium forms of anxiety syndrome. It is important to point out that, although these are "natural drugs", herbal medicine is not harmless: in fact, even vegetable drugs, tranquilizers and so-called natural sedatives can be responsible for unpleasant effects, mostly caused by synergism with other substances, or from their accumulation. This is why, in the case of an anxious syndrome, moderate use of these natural substances is always essential, following the instructions given by the doctor or herbalist to the letter. [taken from Plant Medicines: reasoned manual of phytotherapy, by P. Campagna]

Oligotherapy and gemmotherapy

Oligotherapy is a therapeutic practice that uses, essentially, trace elements as a basic natural remedy: in other words, oligotherapy helps to overcome functional pathological tendencies. For this reason, the anxiety syndrome can also be overcome by resorting to oligotherapy. In general, this practice is defined as "supportive", to highlight that it is effective but, when associated with other targeted treatments, it acts in synergy, enhancing its final beneficial effect.

But let's see some concrete examples that help us better understand the natural therapeutic approach to the anxiety syndrome.

As a natural remedy, the manual " Vegetable Medicines " (P. Campagna) recommends taking cobalt Manganese once a day (cycle: 3 weeks), then continuing with 2-3 weekly hires, gradually reducing the doses as the treatment progresses.

With cobalt manganese it is also possible to add Magnesium (another trace element), only once a day, after the evening meal (induces sleep by exerting a sedative action).

In the case of anxiety syndrome it is good to also follow some dietary rules, avoiding foods or potentially exciting substances, such as coffee, cocoa, chocolate, saffron, guarana, ginseng etc., which, clearly, would create contrast with the natural substances taken.

Some specialists recommend taking Ficus carica extracts at the same time, another natural remedy that would help to eradicate the anxiety syndrome more quickly.

Ficus carica buds (gemmotherapy) boast tranquilizing, mood-balancing and neurosedative properties, constituting a very useful remedy to counteract the anxiety and tensions that characterize the anxious syndrome.

As an alternative to Ficus carica, it is possible to take Tilia tormentosa, a gem-derivative able to exert a positive action against the anxiety syndrome. The linden acts in three ways:

  1. Increases blood levels of serotonin
  2. Acts at the level of the cortico-hypothalamic axis
  3. It also performs its action on the sleep center

Tilia tormentosa is a good natural remedy to alleviate the anxiety syndrome, as it performs a good sedative, antispasmodic, tranquilizing and - above all - anxiolytic action.

Due to its high therapeutic index, this gem-derivative shows very few side effects and contraindications: in this regard, it is often administered in the case of anxiety syndromes in children, the elderly and pregnant women.

It should be pointed out, however, that paradoxically the lime taken at high doses for long generates the opposite effect (excitation).


Among the various natural remedies against anxiety syndrome we cannot forget aromatherapy, which uses small doses of highly concentrated essential oils. In general, these natural remedies are useful in synergy with others, as they improve both the quality and the perception of well-being on an emotional, physical and above all mental level.

In the case of anxiety syndrome, the essences with marked potential to raise the psychological stress triggering anxiety must be selected. The essences of lavender and lemon balm are certainly natural remedies that are effective in rebalancing the hyperactive nervous system, associated in particular with chamomile and / or bitter orange extract.

The essential oils with neurosedative action can be distributed and massaged on the body: the absorption of the oils through the skin has been amply demonstrated, precisely for this reason they are also used as essences in massage oils. Furthermore, in the case of anxiety syndrome it is recommended to perfume the environment with drug extracts with sedative and anxiolytic action (eg lavender).


As mentioned above, herbal medicine is an excellent natural remedy, especially effective in the mild and medium forms of anxiety syndrome; in addition to what has been said, herbal medicine is also important as an integral remedy even if, in the latter case, particular caution must be exercised in the combination of natural drugs with synthetic drugs, in order not to create synergism between assets.

Among the anxiolytic drugs par excellence, the valerian, the passion flower, the hawthorn and the lemon balm cannot be missing; in the case of anxiety syndrome also accompanied by depressive forms, hypericum is certainly an excellent natural remedy of high efficacy, in addition to rodiola, griffonia and ginseng, energizing.

Let us now try to extract the key concepts of the most effective anxiolytic drugs to combat the anxiety syndrome.

Lemon balm ( Melissa officinalis ) is currently exploited for its known anxiolytic properties, particularly in the case of anxiety syndromes accompanied by restlessness, dyspepsia, biliary dyskinesias and gastric pains related to anxiety: lemon balm performs in fact sedative, spasmolytic, eupeptic and cholagogues (bland). Not recommended for patients suffering from thyroid disease (hypothyroidism), glaucoma; also contraindicated in association with barbiturates (possible interactions), with chamomile and passionflower (drowsiness) and during pregnancy / lactation (lack of reliable data).

Hawthorn ( Crataegus oxyacantha ) is recommended to reduce the symptoms that accompany the anxious syndrome: in fact, the drug is useful in the treatment of palpitations, anxiety and hyperexcitation. More in detail, the hawthorn is very effective in irritable, hypertensive and dystonic heart patients, showing nervousness, hyperexcitability and marked states of stress. Not surprisingly, in anxious syndromes, natural remedies based on a toadstool associated with valerian, passionflower and ballota are often recommended. Hawthorn can be given in association with the extract of lime buds.

The sedative-anxiolytic properties of passionflower ( Passiflora Incarnata ) are also excellent: its medicinal virtues are mainly due to indole alkaloids, maltol and isomaltol, as well as flavonoids (vitexin, isovitexin and hyperodise). More specifically, the flavonoids present are useful as tranquilizers, while the alkaloids are mild stimulants: the molecules of the passionflower phytocomplex act in synergy carrying out an excellent sedative, antispasmodic and anxiolytic effect. The drug is indicated in sleep disorders linked to states of restlessness, anxiety and stress, thus favoring a peaceful sleep, without creating numbness the following morning.

Passion flower has some contraindications for pregnant women: it is not a good natural remedy for pregnant women since the phytocomplex alkaloids stimulate uterine contractions. Furthermore, in case of concomitant use of benodiazepines to combat anxiety, the administration of passionflower extract is not recommended, in order to avoid an enhancement of the active ingredients. [taken from Plant Medicines: reasoned manual of phytotherapy, by P. Campagna]

To conclude, one can undoubtedly affirm that even passionflower - with the exception of some cases - is an exemplary natural remedy to lighten the disorders linked to anxious syndromes.