skin health

Giant pimples of I.Randi


When we talk about giant pimples we refer to large pimples that cause discomfort and often embarrassment.

In truth, there is no precise dimension beyond which it is possible to define a giant pimple, therefore, the definition of "giant pimples" is subjective and can vary from individual to individual. In any case, with such a nomenclature we generally want to indicate those pimples whose dimensions are such as to create a certain degree of discomfort in the person who manifests them, both from a physical point of view and from an aesthetic point of view.

What are

What are giant pimples?

As mentioned, there is no single definition of giant pimples, since the evaluation of the size of these annoying skin lesions can be extremely subjective.

Moreover, more often than not, when we talk about giant pimples we refer in a generic and sometimes improper and indistinct way to both acne manifestations and closed comedones (white spots) both to pimples and large under-spots.

Please note

Despite the generic use of the term, giant pimples should not be confused with sebaceous cysts, subcutaneous neoplasms of benign nature with a rounded shape that generally form following the obstruction of a sebaceous gland or its duct.


How are giant pimples manifested?

The giant pimples manifest themselves as cutaneous lesions of high dimensions, or however, whose dimensions are considered as such by the individual who presents them. Depending on whether it is acne manifestations, closed comedones, boils or pimples under the skin, giant pimples can have different characteristics. Despite this, it is possible to state that, in general, these lesions appear with a rounded and elevated shape, are reddened and often painful due to the inflammation that typically characterizes them.

The consistency, on the other hand, can be hard or soft, as it can evolve from an initial hardness to a subsequent softening that occurs as the pimple grows and inflammation increases. The giant pimples can also present the so-called white dome containing sebum.

Where are the giant pimples manifested?

Giant pimples can potentially manifest themselves in any area of ​​the body where sebaceous glands and hair follicles are present. However, they tend to appear more frequently on the face (in particular but not exclusively, in the so-called "T zone" - forehead, nose, chin), on the back, in the groin and sometimes on the buttocks.


What are the Causes of Giant Pimples?

The causes that lead to the appearance of giant pimples are not very different from the causes that lead to the onset of pimples from the smaller size. In any case, they are skin lesions characterized by inflammation - and sometimes by infections - that can affect the sebaceous glands, hair follicles and / or peri-follicular tissues. Alongside the inflammatory and infectious processes, there can also be a hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands with consequent production of high quantities of sebum.

However, among the main factors believed to be involved in the onset of giant pimples, we recall:

  • Genetic predisposition .
  • Feeding : an unregulated diet rich in fatty foods and sugary foods seems to favor the appearance of giant pimples and the over-production of sebum by the skin.
  • Hormonal factors : the hormonal upheavals that can occur during adolescence or at other stages of life (as happens, for example, during pregnancy) can lead to an increase in the activity of the sebaceous glands and the appearance of giant pimples on the face and on the body.
  • Poor hygiene : even a poor personal hygiene, both of the face and of the body, is a factor that can contribute to the appearance of pimples whose size can become significant.
  • Exposure to UV rays : excessive and uncontrolled exposure to UV rays - natural or artificial (tanning lamps) - they seem to be another factor capable of favoring the appearance of pimples, even giants.

Finally, we recall that a risk factor for the appearance of giant and unlikely pimples that is often underestimated can be represented by stress .

Did you know that ...

Sometimes ingrown hairs can cause papules or pustules that could be confused with giant pimples. Although even in this case there is the presence of an inflammatory component, the triggering causes are different, since it is the presence of the same hair that grows under the skin that gives rise to inflammation and the formation of the above mentioned skin lesions.


What Symptoms Do Giant Pimples Cause?

Giant pimples can create considerable discomfort, not only from a purely aesthetic point of view, but also from a physical point of view as they can give rise to very annoying symptoms. In detail, giant pimples often cause itching and / or pain . In some cases, they may even itch early on and then become aching as their size increases. Other typical symptoms are swelling and redness of the skin area where the pimples appear.

The symptomatology described above can be even more annoying when the giant pimples appear in areas subjected to pressure (for example, on the buttocks) in areas that come into contact with the clothes and / or subjected to rubbing with them (as happens, for example, in the case of giant pimples located in the inguinal region at the area that comes into contact with the elastic of the briefs).

Complications of Giant Pimples

Typical complication of giant pimples is the onset of infections, or their spread to the surrounding areas if these are already present.

In addition to this, the appearance of scars cannot be excluded. If the pimples break, or are crushed, squeezed or cut, they can leave more or less deep scars once the lesion is completely healed. Depending on the severity of the scar appearance it is possible to resort to different treatments: the mildest scars can be attenuated by professional aesthetic treatments; on the contrary, important, very visible and deep scars may require aesthetic medicine treatments to be eliminated (for example, chemical medical peels, dermabrasion, microdermabrasion, radiofrequency, etc.).

Finally, a possible evolution towards more serious skin lesions such as cysts, also potentially capable of leaving scars once healed, cannot be excluded.

Care and Treatment

Treatments and treatments against giant pimples

In truth, there are no specific cures to eliminate giant pimples. In some cases, they can resolve spontaneously over a period of time; in other cases, however, it may be necessary to resort to specific products or even drugs.

Clearly, if giant pimples do not resolve spontaneously in a short time, it is absolutely necessary to consult a doctor. However, the main behavioral measures and treatments that can be undertaken to try to eliminate or at least mitigate the problem of giant pimples are listed below.

Behavioral tricks

The first of all the behavioral measures to put into practice to help resolve giant pimples is to avoid manipulating these skin lesions in any way. In no case, in fact, the giant pimples should be crushed or squeezed because this practice - besides not ensuring in any way a faster recovery - can lead to the emergence of the complications described above, such as scars, infections or the spread of the latter to neighboring areas if they are already present.


Another fundamental aspect in solving the problem of giant pimples is the choice of cosmetics to be used in the areas where they are present. In this regard, we remind you of the importance of using quality detergents suitable for your skin type . Under no circumstances should excessively degreasing products be used because the skin, subjected to a kind of aggression, would be pushed to produce greater quantities of sebum in an attempt to restore normal physiological conditions, thus worsening the problem of giant pimples and / or favoring the appearance of dehydration and new pimples.

In addition to the daily cleansing performed with the right products, in order to further promote cell renewal and the resolution of giant pimples, it may be useful to use cosmetics with a physical exfoliating (scrub) or chemical (chemical exfoliating) action.

Please note

Treatments with cosmetic products can only be carried out in the presence of non-serious giant pimples free of complications. If not, remember the importance of contacting your doctor again.

Pharmacological Treatments

Drug treatments for giant pimples should always be prescribed by your doctor . In fact, although drugs are available on the market for pimples that can be purchased without the need to present the prescription (over-the-counter drugs - OTC - and SOP drugs), their use should not be carried out without first having asked for the opinion of the aforementioned healthcare figure, necessary to identify and exclude the presence of any contraindications to the use of similar drugs by the patient.

However, the main drugs used against giant pimples and pimples in general are based on active ingredients with comedolytic, keratolytic and possibly antibacterial action, such as benzoyl peroxide (or benzoyl peroxide, if you prefer) ) and salicylic acid .

For particularly severe cases, characterized by severe inflammation and infections, the doctor may decide to resort to the use of corticosteroid drugs and antibiotic drugs topically .

Finally, if the formation of giant pimples is a problem of medical relevance correlated to factors of a hormonal nature and if the patient is female, in adulthood and not in pregnancy, the doctor could possibly evaluate the possibility of administering oral contraceptives .

Engraving or Removal

The incision of giant pimples and the removal of any cysts resulting from the complication of the latter should be carried out only and exclusively by the doctor, even better if a specialist in dermatology. In fact, such a practice - in addition to having to comply with strict hygiene criteria - must be carried out with full knowledge of the facts and knowledge, both to guarantee a successful operation and to avoid complications and adverse effects of any kind.


Useful tips to prevent giant pimples

Despite the possible treatments available, prevention remains the best strategy to put into practice against the appearance of giant pimples or, possibly, against their complication in more severe conditions. Therefore, some recommendations will be given below that can be useful to prevent the onset or complication of this type of skin lesions.

  • Carry out an accurate daily cleansing of the skin, with particular regard to that on which the giant pimples are present.
  • Use quality detergents and cosmetic products that are not aggressive or excessively degreasing and suitable for your skin type.
  • Avoid crushing, cutting or breaking giant pimples.
  • Avoid uncontrolled exposure to UV rays.
  • Adopt a healthy diet by limiting high fat and high sugar foods.
  • Try to reduce stress.
  • Avoid grandma's remedies and do-it-yourself remedies of dubious utility (such as, for example, toothpaste on giant pimples) and instead, contact your primary care physician and / or dermatologist for information on how to eliminate or counteract the appearance of giant pimples .

Please note

Of course, given the many factors involved in their onset, even following the aforementioned tips, it is possible to form giant pimples. However, a healthy lifestyle associated with a good level of personal hygiene is nevertheless useful for maintaining the well-being of both the skin and the entire body.