
Scapula lift

The levator scapula is a biarticular muscle originating from the transverse processes of the 1st-4th cervical vertebra. Its upper part is covered by the sternomastoid muscle, while the lower part is located deeply with respect to the trapezius. It is inserted on the medial angle and in the upper part of the vertebral margin of the scapula.

Raise the scapula, the intraruota, adduce it and participate in its stabilization. In case of bilateral contraction extends the neck. In case of unilateral contraction, tilt the neck from the same side. Intervenes in forced inspiration.

It is innervated by the cells of the cervical plexus and the brachial plexus (C3-C5)


From the transverse processes of C1-C4


Medial angle and upper part of the vertebral margin of the scapula


Elvava, intraruota and adduce the scapula


Branches of the cervical plexus and brachial plexus (C3-C5)

Upper limbLower limbTrunkAbdomenArticles