dried fruit

Pecan nuts against tuberculosis: will it be true?

If for the western population the tuberculosis mycobacterium has very little by now, it is instead a scourge for the Third and the Fourth World, where the disease takes almost two million lives a year.

A 2008 study entitled " Antimycobacterial activity of Juglas regia, Juglas mollis, Carya illinoensis and Bocconia frutescens ", wanted to experiment with the effect of medicinal plants used in traditional Mexican medicine (including the Carya illinoensis, the tree of nuts pecan) against Tuberculosis. The bark extract was used ... but it seems that the Mexicans were really wrong! The pecan nut tree, as well as the other plants used for centuries in the traditional medicine of these peoples have no antifungal effect. A perfect example of what could be called "Placebo Effect".