
Remedies Armpit sweating and hyperhidrosis

The axillary odor, like that of feet and groin, is included in the list of physiological odors, therefore completely natural, emanated regularly from the body. However, when these exhalations exceed a certain threshold of "tolerability", this "smell" turns into a real stench.

The typical odor of axillary sweat, extremely unpleasant, pungent and acrid, is the result of an increased decomposition of the apocrine secret, operated by the bacterial flora that normally populates the superficial layers of the skin. Unpleasant axillary sweating is caused by the exhalation of butyric compounds (short chain fatty acids), sulphurous compounds (mercaptans) and proteins (amines and ammonia).

An underarm sweat becomes overabundant (hyperhidrosis) and smelly (bromidrosis) in some circumstances: it is known that stressful situations and tensions stimulate the apocrine glands and sweat to produce massive quantities of secreted apocrine and sweat. Also remember that the activity of these glands is also heavily influenced by hormonal stimuli: it is no coincidence that the underarm sweating of children during puberty is particularly "nauseating". Finally, an abundant and / or unpleasant underarm sweating can be linked to some pathologies (eg hyperthyroidism, hypoglycemia, depression, obesity) and to the administration of certain substances (eg antidepressant, thermogenic, cholinergic drugs). Even food, as we shall see, can play an important role.

  • Note: very often, excessive and foul-smelling underarm sweat may reflect poor or inadequate body cleansing

What to do

  • Adequate personal hygiene is the first and most important remedy to combat unpleasant underarm sweating
  • Prefer long-lasting deodorants
  • Always wear clean clothes. Prefer those in cotton or with natural fibers
  • In the case of particularly acrid and abundant axillary sweating, the most indicated remedy is the use of antiperspirant deodorants (to be applied immediately after normal cleansing). For this purpose, the most suitable deodorants are formulated with aluminum chloride. However, remember that antiperspirants can cause skin irritation.
  • Chase away stress: as we know, tensions and anxieties can stimulate apocrine glands and sweat to produce sweat. For this reason it is good to try to relax even in situations that seem the most difficult to overcome
  • If necessary, wash your underarms with mild soap and water several times a day
  • Washing is a must after any sporting activity
  • When armpit perspiration becomes particularly abundant, an excellent remedy is to wear underarm pads: these are real absorbents to stick to the mesh (with the absorbent part facing the armpit). These bizarre sweat-saving tools are readily available in pharmacies and supermarkets

What NOT to do

  • Apply the deodorant over the sweat, in the mistaken belief of masking the smell. The alleged remedy can be effective for the first five minutes; subsequently the sweat fumes will be much can acres and repugnant of the initial smell
  • Wear tight-fitting synthetic clothes (especially in summer)
  • Wear the same dirty and sweaty clothing over and over again
  • Put dirty and sweat-drenched clothes in the closet: this attitude is absolutely to be avoided since the bad smell of dirty clothes damages the clean ones

What to eat

  • There is no scientific evidence that relates food to the improvement of "sweat stink". It is recommended to follow a healthy, balanced diet, rich in fruit, vegetables and low in fat.

What NOT to Eat

  • Nerve substances: caffeinated soft drinks, theobromine and theine are not recommended for those suffering from hyperhidrosis because they stimulate the production of sweat. For the same reason, other thermogenic substances should also be avoided
  • Spicy foods like curry, paprika
  • Onions and garlic are allies of smelly axillary exhalations (not to mention bad breath)
  • Fish and asparagus can also worsen the smell of underarm sweat
  • Avoid eating hard-to-digest foods, such as dips, fries and fat-rich foods

Natural Cures and Remedies

  • Pine soap: ancient but surprisingly effective remedy to prevent foul-smelling underarm sweating
  • A bizarre natural remedy against unpleasant underarm sweating is the tomato. During the daily bath, pour a cup of tomato juice together with the water. Soak in the tub for 15 minutes. Proceed with rinsing and with normal washing with delicate soaps specific for your skin type.
  • Rub sweat-soaked clothes with baking soda, an ancient and effective remedy to wipe away any trace of sweat odor
  • Anxiety-expelling herbal teas formulated with valerian, lemon balm and hawthorn. As we know, a remedy to prevent excess sweating is to stay calm
  • Rock alum: after cleansing with water and soap, it is advisable to gently rub under the armpits a piece (possibly smoothed) of rock alum, as an excellent deodorant and natural odor-absorbing

Pharmacological care

Under normal conditions, excessive / foul-smelling underarm sweating does not require any medication. When hyperhidrosis depends on underlying pathologies, the disorder must be treated at the root. Here are some examples:

  • Axillary sweating dependent on anxiety, stress, fear and depression: anxiolytic and sedative drugs can improve the overall clinical picture of hyperhidrosis. Doctor's prescription recommended.
  • Hyperhidrosis dependent on hyperthyroidism or hypoglycemia: it is necessary to restore the problem that arises at the origins
  • Hyperhidrosis dependent on pharmacological treatment: do not change the dosage of drugs. Request the doctor's advice to modulate, if necessary, the type of drug or dosage.


  • Take care of body hygiene: wash at least once a day with mild, quality cleansers
  • Take with you disinfectant wipes, to be used if you cannot wash with soap and water
  • Always wash dirty clothes and, above all, do not put on the same clothes again without first washing them
  • Wash clothing with specific quality detergents. Preferably those indicated to prevent axillary odor
  • Remember to spray a deodorant (specific for your skin type) after a shower or bath

Medical treatments

  • Hyperhidrosis is a real problem when sweating becomes unsustainable. In cases of extreme severity, underarm sweating can be treated with:
    • Iontophoresis: practice able to favor a temporary loss of the secretory function of the eccrine and apocrine glands
    • Botulinum toxin injections (in infinitesimally small concentrations): the substance blocks the sweat secretion of the eccrine and apocrine glands for 4-6 months
    • Surgery to remove sweat glands (extreme remedy, reserved for pathological cases of underarm sweating)