
Meteorism: Diet therapy of R.Borgacci


What is meteorism

Meteorism is a gastro-intestinal symptom characterized by the symptomatic accumulation - but not always objectively detectable - of gas inside the digestive tract; it is often associated with behavioral, dietary or intestinal functioning abnormalities, often not pathological or benign in nature - for example irritable bowel syndrome.

In this article we will deal better with how to treat it with food, through specific measures that should attenuate the intensity and duration of the events.


Introduction to diet therapy against meteorism

Let's start by pointing out that the effectiveness of the diet against meteorism is much more limited when:

  1. Its causes are unknown - it is idiopathic
  2. It is not associated with objectively measurable abdominal distension - it means that it is based only on an individual perception
  3. Normal burping and flatulence do not occur - for any reason, dependent or independent of one's own will.

In the following paragraph the nutritional aspects concerning functional meteorism - independent of pathological factors - will be treated in more detail.

We recall that the diagnosis of any disorder or pathology of the digestive tract must be attributed to the gastro-enterologist, while the nutritional therapy can be drawn up in detail by a food professional.

Exclude diet-independent causes

In choosing the right food strategy against meteorism, we must first exclude independent diet causes.

The first step is certainly to verify that meteorism does not depend on inappropriate behavior that can induce aerofagia. Anxiety and stress, or eating incorrectly, are certainly the main reasons that induce gas retention. The use of straws, smoking during meals and chewing too many gums during the day is not recommended.

In other cases, meteorism may depend on chronic inflammatory diseases, infections or intestinal infestations. In particular:

  • Disorders, syndromes or primary pathological conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome, bacterial contamination syndrome of the small intestine, functional pathologies of inflammatory origin (ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease) of the intestine, liver failure etc.
  • Contaminations, infections, parasites, etc.

It is therefore always a good idea not to take the symptoms lightly, especially if recurrent and worsening, and contact a doctor who will begin a thorough diagnostic procedure.

Intestinal bacterial flora and meteorism

Sometimes the causes can be diet-dependent but determine a secondary alteration, as in the case of the compromised intestinal flora. It can therefore be helpful to follow a path of recovery of physiological bacteria, through the use of drugs or supplements. If, on the other hand, the symptoms worsen, it is better to stop the protocol immediately.

Exclude food intolerances

We now go into the details of what to eat and what to avoid. Unfortunately, even in this case it depends a lot on the specific cause; for example, food intolerances are among the main causes of meteorism.

In the event that meteorism is caused by reduced tolerance towards certain molecules - such as histamine - or the inability to digest nutrients such as gluten (celiac disease) and lactose, it is sufficient to exclude any food that contains them and to avoid any possibility of cross contamination.

The reactions induced by intolerances are extremely individual but, in the case of celiac disease, the continuation of the consequent state of intestinal inflammation (as well as an immune-mediated reaction) can, in addition to worsen meteorism, lead to histological and functional complications of the mucosa interested.

In lactose intolerance, however, there is no evidence of an immune-mediated reaction and the symptomatology (always subjective) is limited to the digestive tract. However, although the overall picture may seem less alarming, it should be specified that often untreated lactose intolerance can be associated (as well as celiac disease) with a significant reduction in intestinal absorption, with a tendency to dehydration induced by the consequent diarrhea (exudative or osmotic).

If the pathogenesis of meteorism is not well defined (idiopathic), it is advisable to implement a series of dietary strategies that overall can significantly influence the reduction of abdominal tension. Let's see which ones better.

Dietary advice to combat meteorism

If there is no disease or diet-independent condition, it is appropriate to take the diet and adjust it to intervene on the nutritional cause of meteorism. First of all, a distinction must be made between:

  • Foods that objectively produce excessive amounts of gas: these include those rich in anti-nutritional agents - proteases, tannins, oxalates and phytates, which hinder normal absorption and increase the substrate for bacterial flora - lactulose from warm milk, additives such as xylitol, mannitol and sorbitol, etc.
  • Foods that irritate the intestinal mucosa: for example caffeine, theobromine, theophylline and ethyl alcohol
  • Foods that produce excessive amounts of gas only in excessive portions or if the intestines are not healthy: these include those rich in insoluble fiber, carbohydrates in general and above all fructose.

More specifically, the anti-meteorism diet may require:

  1. Eat slowly and chew properly; avoid the evening binges, and in general to lie down after eating
  2. Avoid carbonated drinks and foods rich in air such as ice cream, milkshakes and whipped cream
  3. Avoid poorly digestible food associations; for example meat and cheese; eggs and pulses, pasta or bread and lots of meat, stuffed giant pizzas etc.
  4. Significantly eliminate / reduce:
    1. Foods with irritating molecules for the intestinal mucosa: alcohol, coffee, black tea, chocolate, cola, energy drinks such as Red Bull etc.
    2. Those that decrease intestinal absorption: above all antinutritional factors, such as tannins, oxalates, phytates, etc. To do this it is excellent to peel the fruit, to soften the legumes for a long time, eat them only peeled and prefer refined grains
    3. Those with a significant level of indigestible molecules: make sure not to consume milk at high temperatures since lactose, even if well tolerated, undergoes a structural modification, becoming lactulose, a highly osmotic component. Avoid consuming stale bread (including grated bread) as the starch, even if previously hydrolysed by cooking, undergoes molecular retrogradation as it ages (inverse gelation process). Sweeteners such as mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol contained in light drinks and chewingum are also indigestible
  5. Eliminate / significantly reduce sophisticated, processed foods containing excessive levels of food additives as well as all "junk foods". Among them we mention: sweetened drinks, industrial confectionery products, snacks in envelopes etc.
  6. Try to maintain a trophic and efficient intestinal bacterial flora, but do not overdo it; in this regard it is appropriate to specify that the composition of the latter is subjective, genetically determined and influenced by the birth and breastfeeding - among the components of the latter there are prebiotic molecules and specific antibodies that intervene in the selection of the microorganisms present in the intestinal lumen of the newborn from the first days of life. Therefore, the use of drugs and supplements can be useful but not necessarily decisive
  7. Always guarantee a dietary fiber intake of around 30 g / day; this component, divided into a soluble and insoluble portion, guarantees the peristaltic contraction of segmentation and fecal advancement. It provides prebiotic molecules (growth substrate for bacterial colonies physiologically present in the intestine) useful in reducing phenomena of putrefaction and fecal stagnation. This can be achieved effectively by guaranteeing the contribution of plant foods and taking care to prefer fruit and vegetables above cereals; with this arrangement it is possible to optimize the insoluble fiber / soluble fiber ratio to the advantage of the latter. The optimization of fecal advancement through a correct intake of total dietary fiber, associated with the predilection of soluble fiber (which gelatizes NON-FERMENTA) reduces intestinal stress by improving the composition of the bacterial flora and greatly reducing the stagnation of the toxins contained in the stool themselves. A more efficient and less irritated intestine allows to considerably reduce the symptoms related to meteorism
  8. Reduce the size of the portions and meals, rather by increasing the number and fragmenting them
  9. Consume sweet fruit and sugary foods away from main meals.

Note : we remind you that herbal medicine provides various solutions aimed at combating the discomfort of abdominal tension; however, even assuming that the continuous and systematic use of these products does NOT negatively affect the state of health, for many of them no scientific documentation is available that certifies their efficacy in the treatment of syndromes and intestinal symptoms (among which the functional meteorism).

To learn more: Remedies for Swollen Belly »Natural Remedies for Meteorism» Meteorism Drugs »Combat Meteorism: Where to Start? »Meteorism: What it is and Possible Causes»


  • C. Rugarli; FC Cappio; L. Cantalamessa; G. Cappelli; MD Cappellini; P. Cavallo Perin; GR Corazza; A. Craxì; F. Create; LM Fabbri; G. Ferraccioli; A. Giustina; A. Lazzarin; R. Nuti; AP Stella - Systemic internal medicine; sixth edition - Chapter 26 [diseases of the colon] - Chapter 27 [diseases of the colon].