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Raw Green Coffee: Does it Lose Weight?

What is that

From the raw green coffee, a completely different drink is obtained, after grinding and infusion than roasted coffee.

Raw green coffee, which has not undergone any roasting process, is distinguished from the classic one by: appearance, aroma, flavor and nutritional characteristics; the only common property between roasted coffee and raw green coffee is the presence of caffeine.

Preparation of the raw green coffee drink

Raw green coffee is used similarly to roasted coffee; obviously, using the INNER seeds of coffea (arabica or robusta), it is necessary to PULVERIZE THEM with a mortar and use the proceeds by infusion; this, to be effective without IMPOVERY the drink, must take place at a temperature of 80 ° C for a time sufficient for nutritional diffusion.

It works?

Why should raw green coffee "lose weight"?

As anticipated, raw green coffee (as well as roasted coffee) contains caffeine, a molecule frequently used in the slimming field due to its interactions with adipose tissue.

Caffeine, a stimulating nervine belonging to the methylxanthine (1, 3, 7-trimethylxanthine) family, has a positive effect both direct and indirect on the disposal of human adipose tissue; the direct one consists in the ability to promote the release of fatty acids from the deposit to the bloodstream, while the indirect one is manifested by the secretory stimulus of catecholamines (adrenaline, noradrenaline) which, in turn, intervene on the adipose tissue facilitating lipolysis and hyper -activating certain physiological mechanisms or specific districts (increased heart rate, increased coronary flow, greater muscle recruitment in sports, greater nerve stimulation, etc.). Obviously, while boasting similar characteristics (... to be honest, they deserve to be "quantified"!), To be effective, caffeine MUST be taken in the presence of two other essential factors:

  • Moderate calorie regime
  • High energy consumption

It follows that caffeine EMPHASIZES the slimming effects of diet and physical / motor activity but without giving any appreciable independent weight loss.

Green coffee online

Available on Amazon

Online, 100% raw Arabica coffee ground in a 500 gram hermetic resealable pack is available. Unlike its darker "brother", this type of coffee is not roasted, but is simply left to dry. It is therefore simply raw coffee. In this way the grain maintains its natural emerald green-acid color and preserves its organoleptic properties unaltered.

Free of added flavorings or additives, the product can be used both with traditional and French moka.

Buyable online

Alternatively, you can take advantage of the benefits of taking green coffee by taking it as a food supplement. Available in tablets, the content is based on coffee extract, Coffea arabica. Green coffee stimulates the metabolism and presents a tonic and metabolic support action. Thanks to food supplements it is possible to take essential nutrients in the correct concentration and in the right quantities, anywhere and easily. It helps to reactivate the metabolism, has a fat burning effect and is 100% natural.

Benefits on Black Coffee

Why is raw green coffee better than traditional coffee for weight loss?

To tell the truth, raw green coffee contains LESS caffeine (and in a form linked to chlorogenic acid, giving rise to chlorogenated ) compared to roasted coffee. The chemical and complex form of caffeine contained in raw green coffee reduces absorption times, progressively dilating the blood concentration; this means that, unlike roasted coffee - the caffeine content of which after ingestion is absorbed within 30-40 minutes, following which the relative hepatic metabolism begins and renal disposal - raw green coffee allows a circle entry more moderate than caffeine BUT also a greater half life of the same.

It seems that, due to this last characteristic, raw green coffee is more suitable in the diet of hyper-sensitive caffeine subjects which, if introduced with the traditional drink, often causes side effects such as: nervous hyper-activation, tachycardia, diuresis, diarrhea, insomnia etc.

In summary, raw green coffee uses:

  • A slower absorption
  • Less effective metabolism and disposal, with greater half-life of the molecule
  • Minor side effects.

However, based on studies carried out on caffeine in athletes, it has emerged that this methylxanthine, despite being quick to absorb, HALF its blood concentrations over 3-6 hours; obviously also this statement should be taken "with pliers", since the effects of metabolism on caffeine depend on: dose, physical activity, addiction of the organism to the molecule, subjectivity (genetics), sex, age, etc., all variables that determine a pharmacokinetic range of 3-7 hours. Furthermore, it is not clear whether the detection had been performed on caffeine properly so-called or even on its meta-catabolites ( theombrine, theophylline, etc.); in conclusion, the rate of absorption of caffeine in classic coffee (30-40 ') does not always seem to accelerate the blood disposal of the nerve so significantly, negating (in my opinion) part of the reasons justifying the use of raw green coffee instead of the roasted one, even if this does not preclude its selection in more sensitive subjects than others or in previously determined contexts.

VIdeo Raw Green Coffee - What it is and what it is used for

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Other Benefits

Other reasons to choose raw green coffee ...

In addition to being a slow-absorbing source of caffeine, raw green coffee has many noteworthy properties to which, however, the right nutritional "thickness" must be attributed.

Certainly, the major advantage of raw green coffee compared to roasted coffee is pH; while the traditional drink is strongly acidic (3-3.5), that obtained from the unprocessed seeds (having an average pH equal to 5) is decidedly closer to the neutral and has a different impact (less harmful) on the gastric mucosa and on the PRAL.

Raw green coffee is also considered a phytocomplex, since the composition and the association of its various elements is metabolically more effective than the intake of single molecules. These include:

  • Polyphenols: antioxidants (prevalence of tannic acid)
  • Ferulic acid: antioxidant, probable anti-gouty molecule, interferes with the synthesis of leukotrienes (pro-inflammatory)
  • Chlorogenic acid, ester of caffeic acid with quinic acid: antioxidant and anti-cancer
  • Some minerals and water-soluble vitamins (group B)

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