
What is the fundus exam?

The examination of the fundus fund is one of the routine diagnostic tests carried out by the eye doctor. It is an analysis of the fundus of the eye (the posterior part of the eyeball) that allows to detect the presence of pathologies, such as retinal detachment or age-related macular degeneration .

How to do it

The examination of the fundus is carried out by using some equipment that does not involve invasive procedures for the patient. The ophthalmologist uses an ophthalmoscope with a slit lamp that allows to examine the internal structures of the eyeball (vitreous body, retina and optic nerve).

To get a better view of the internal structures you can dilate the pupils by instilling, a few drops of midriaco eye drops 15-20 minutes before the exam. The examination of the fundus lasts approximately 5-10 minutes per eye. At the end, the patient can report, in case the eye drops have been instilled, a blurred vision that lasts a few hours.