
EUCLORINA ® Tosilcloramide sodium

EUCLORINA ® is a drug based on Tosilcloramide sodium

THERAPEUTIC GROUP: Antiseptics and disinfectants

IndicationsAction mechanismStudies and clinical effectiveness Usage and dosage instructionsWarnings Pregnancy and lactationInteractionsContraindicationsUndesirable effects

Indications EUCLORINA ® Tosilcloramide sodium

EUCLORINA ® is indicated for cleaning, antisepsis and skin disinfection both intact and injured.

EUCLORINA ® is also important in pre and postoperative anti-infective prophylaxis.

Mechanism of action EUCLORIN ® Tosilcloramide sodium

EUCLORINA ® is a drug based on Tosicloramide sodium, more commonly known as Chloramine T, an antiseptic and disinfectant with a broad spectrum of direct action both against Gram positive and Gram negative microorganisms, and against some yeasts and mushrooms.

The predominantly bacteriostatic and partly bactericidal action is due to the oxidizing activity of active chlorine, which is released following the application of chloramine t, which is able to interact with sulfhydryl residues of amino acids, altering the normal structure, therefore inevitably also the functionality of proteins involved in the intermediate metabolism and in the replicative activities of the pathogenic microorganism.

The aforementioned mechanism of action, of the chemical type, therefore also prevents the formation of resistance mechanisms, such as to reduce the disinfectant effectiveness of Cloramine in detergents.

Studies carried out and clinical efficacy

Chlorampine anaphylaxis

J Med Case Rep. 2012 Sep 25; 6 (1): 324. doi: 10.1186 / 1752-1947-6-324.

Case report reporting the appearance of anaphylaxis following topical application of Chloramine T on the leg for the treatment of a folliculitis.

The intense allergic reaction is in fact supported by an anti-chlorine hypersexpression of IgE.


In Vivo. 2012 Jul; 26 (4): 501-17.

Molecular work that evaluates the biological efficacy of Cloramine, studying the mechanisms underlying its biological action. In this case the interaction with nuclear proteins, and the altered expression of genes involved in the proliferation mechanism, seem to underlie this activity.


Oral Health Prev Dent. 2010; 8 (4): 375-81.

Interesting study that tests for the first time the anti-plaque efficacy of a Cloramine-based toothpaste, comparing it to the gold-standard on the market.

The results in this case seem very similar.

Method of use and dosage


2.5% Cloramine cutaneous solution.

Before properly using EUCLORINA ® it is necessary to reconstitute the product, taking care to dilute 25 ml of product in a liter of water.

Once the solution has been reconstituted, up to 4 daily washes of the cutaneous regions to clean and disinfect are recommended.

Warnings EUCLORINA ® Tosilcloramide sodium

EUCLORINA ® is indicated exclusively for external topical use, therefore we recommend the utmost caution in its use, taking care to avoid ingestion, inhalation or application on mucous membranes or serious injuries.

Prolonged use of EUCLORINA ® could lead to the appearance of adverse reactions from hypersensitivity to the product, generally characterized by redness and burning, which should immediately be followed by medical consultation.

It is recommended to store the product in a cool and dry place, out of reach of children.


The use of EUCLORINA ® during pregnancy and the subsequent breastfeeding period should be supervised by your doctor.


It is recommended to avoid the simultaneous use of other skin or systemic oxidizers and other detergents and antiseptics.

Contraindications EUCLORINE ® Tosilcloramide sodium

The use of EUCLORINA ® is contraindicated in patients who are hypersensitive to the active ingredient or to one of its excipients.

Undesirable effects - Side effects

The use of EUCLORINA ®, especially when prolonged over time, could lead to the appearance of adverse reactions such as burning or irritation.


EUCLORINA ® is a drug not subject to mandatory medical prescription.