sport and health

Posture and well-being

By Dr. Giovanni Chetta


Ergonomics (or the science of the Human Factor) has as its object human activity in relation to the environmental, instrumental and organizational conditions in which it takes place. The aim is to adapt these conditions to the needs of man, in relation to his characteristics and his activities. Ergonomic systems are objects, services and environments that pursue the goal of increasing well-being and quality of life, acting as ideal human-environment interfaces.

More and more ergonomics become important within a society that pushes man into postures and lifestyles that are not very natural, therefore not very physiological. In its long evolution, lasting hundreds of millions of years, from quadruped to excellent walker and discreet climber, today man seems paradoxically to have reversed the sense of evolutionary march by adopting habits of life that lead him to "curl up" more and more about himself under the weight of environmental and mental stress.

The results obtained so far confirm the posturological ergonomic approach, although much remains to be done and discovered. The professional collaboration between the various specialists, also trained in posturology, and technological evolution will be the cornerstones of progress in this fascinating and multiform subject.

Essential bibliography