food and sports

Alcohol and sport, binomial ... loser

With its action, alcohol negatively affects sports performance. Obviously its effects are dose dependent and if small amounts (30-40 grams per day for men and 20-30 g / day for women) are all in all tolerable, high doses can seriously compromise sports performance.

Alcohol-alcohol, despite its high energy value, can not be considered a nutrient .

However, in the liver the oxidation of 1 gram of alcohol releases a high amount of energy (7 kcal, against 4 Kcal of carbohydrates and proteins and 9 kcal of fats).

However, it should be noted that the alcohol content on the label does not correspond to 1 g of alcohol but to 1 ml of ethanol which develops approximately 5.6 Kcal.

The high caloric content of alcohol is only one of the many negative effects of this substance that with its action alters most of the metabolic reactions that take place in our body. Let's see the most important in detail.

Carbohydrate metabolism: inhibition of glycogenosynthesis and stimulation of glycoololysis with consequent early depletion of glucose stocks.

Buffer systems: alcohol favors the production and accumulation of acid compounds such as lactate and ketone bodies, consequently lowering the blood pH. Recall that metabolic acidosis (lowering of blood pH) is responsible for symptoms such as fatigue, headache, nausea, vomiting and can lead to coma.

Blood: alcohol decreases the efficiency in the blood transport of iron, a mineral involved in the processes of ATP production and oxygen transport. In particular, with its action it alters the synthesis of the different transferrin isoforms. This protein is involved in the transport of iron from the site of absorption to that of use or storage (in particular the liver).

Alcohol causes less absorption of vitamin B12 and folate. These two substances are fundamental because they regulate some important physiological processes. Their lack implies an increase in the volume of red blood cells (red blood cells) predisposing the subject to megaloblastic anemia and damage to the nervous system.

Alcohol is particularly toxic to mitochondria, the energy-producing cellular organelles.

Among other things, the mitochondria synthesize eme a chemical complex present in hemoglobin able to bind oxygen. By combining the decline in heme production with the reduced absorption of vitamin B12 and the alteration of transferrin, oxygen transport to tissues is seriously compromised.

This alteration negatively influences sporting performance especially in endurance activities such as running and cycling.

Alcohol also reduces testosterone levels by limiting protein synthesis up to 24 hours after its consumption, so the abuse of this substance compromises the increase in muscle mass.

Effects on the central nervous system: alterations in muscle contraction, worsening of reflexes, reaction time and coordination skills.