
Natural Squat

The so-called "squat position", also known as "squatting", is a posture in which all the weight rests on the feet, while the knees are totally (squats full or deep) or partially (monkey squats or half or seeds or parallel) flexed. On the contrary, the sitting position provides for the body to rest on the buttocks, while the kneeling position exploits the surface of the shins.

In the Southeast Asian and East European culture, the squat position very frequently replaces that seat; on the contrary, in the East, the favorite posture is on one's knees.

Children under three years, in an attempt to get closer to the ground, instinctively pass from an upright position to a squat position. They play mainly in this position, with the feet apart (about shoulder width), the feet facing outwards for about 45 ° and the buttocks not completely in contact with the floor. Despite being "natural", from this position, children need a foothold to get up again.