
Tabata protocol

By Dr. Nicola Sacchi - Author of the book: Drugs and doping in sport -

The Tabata protocol was devised in the 90s by a Japanese scientist and proved to be exceptional in improving both an aerobic power and an athlete's anaerobic abilities.

The Tabata consists of alternating 20 seconds at 170% of the VO2max, therefore substantially at the maximum speed physically reachable, at 10 seconds of pause, for 7 or 8 sequences of a given exercise, for a total of 4 minutes of activity.

During rigorous scientific studies, the Tabata protocol has been shown to produce enormous benefits on the physical capacities of the body in just 6 weeks, both aerobic, increasing VO2max to a greater extent than classic aerobic activity, and anaerobic, increasing the ability to accumulate oxygen debt.

These studies show that the activity at maximal intensity is able to improve some components of aerobic capacity, to a greater extent than the aerobic activity itself, although the opposite concept is commonly considered valid.

The original test was carried out on a cycle ergometer, but similar results can also be obtained with other exercises, such as ellipticals, running, skip, burpee and half squats.

The objective of the Tabata protocol is to bring the heart rate to the highest sustainable levels, making maximum use of the person's physical abilities. Cross the short 10-second breaks, which allow you to take a slight breath and dispose of part of the lactic acid produced, the Tabata protocol allows you to last at the highest levels of intensity for a longer period of time, until you get to perform the very hard 8 sets .

This type of activity in just 4 minutes produces a very high oxygen debt, which lasts at the end of the training; all this can be considered the cause of the beneficial effects on the conditioning of the athlete.

Seeing is believing...

The Tabata protocol is already used frequently in the athletic preparation of ring sports, where both work times and the way in which energy systems are engaged are very similar (maximum power for shot sequences lasting several seconds, alternating with short study phases, for the duration of an entire recovery).

To perform the Tabata it is advisable to avoid exercises with overloads, because fatigue must be organic and not muscular; this clarification was made because it is possible to see Tabata protocols carried out on the internet using various tools for muscle strengthening (barbells, kettlebells, etc.), but this execution hardly produces the same oxygen debt.

Examples of Tabata Workouts

Tabata Workout Fat Burning Workout

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