
A cold is one of the most common diseases worldwide.

It is a pathology of viral origin that causes inflammation of the nasal and pharyngeal mucosa (throat).

Highly contagious, a cold can be transmitted by both patients and healthy carriers.


The most common form of infection is the direct one: sneezing, cough and droplets of saliva allow the direct passage of viruses from one organism to another.

Also the dialogue can become a cause of direct transmission because during the interview small drops of salivary liquid can be involuntarily expelled.

The more than 200 viruses responsible for the cold can withstand for about three hours in the external environment. The infection can therefore also occur indirectly, for example by shaking hands or manipulating contaminated objects .

For this reason it is a good habit to wash your hands well and avoid bringing them to your face after having been in contact with infected people or objects.

At the same time, if you are suffering from a cold, it is good to bring your hands to your mouth when you sneeze or cough to avoid infecting those around you.

The peak of contagiousness occurs in the first 2-3 days of illness, while at the end of the illness the risk of infection is very low.

The chances of infection are directly proportional to the time of exposure to contaminants.

Risk factors

Any form of stress can decrease resistance to infections by lowering the immune system.

The risk of infection increases considerably in those who are debilitated or sick, whose immune defenses are not able to protect the body from infection (especially children and the elderly). In the latter (children) the cold manifests itself with more gravity, and normally lasts a few more days.

Cold and Cold

Cold weather, rain, drafts, cold wind and air conditioning are among the largest empirically recognized risk factors.

The increased susceptibility to colds in such circumstances is probably due to the temporary lowering of nose and throat defenses, which occurs following exposure to cold or excessively dry air currents.

We know for example that the respiratory tracts are covered with vibrating eyelashes, which with their movements continually push the mucus outwards (a viscous substance that protects against micro-organisms by absorbing them and masking the cellular receptors with which they interact). Viruses and bacteria can therefore exploit the inhibitory action of the cold on the motility of these eyelashes, to infect the upper respiratory tract.

If the air is too dry, saliva drops containing viruses can remain dispersed in the air for longer. An environmental humidifier therefore helps prevent colds and dryness of the nasal passages, reducing the risk of infection.


To learn more: Cold symptoms

The symptoms of a cold are quite common: a stuffy and runny nose, nasal congestion, a sore throat sometimes associated with fever, cough, headache, hoarseness, inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck and muscle pain.


Complete recovery from cold usually occurs within 5-10 days, but in some cases may take longer.

If the symptoms persist for more than two weeks without attenuating it is good to consider the possible presence of other problems such as sinusitis or allergies.


To learn more: Medications to treat colds

Therefore, there are no specific cures for colds, although some drugs, including antihistamines and anti-inflammatories, can alleviate the symptoms. However, aspirin and derivatives must not, under any circumstances, be given to children under 12 years.

Sprays and nebulizers can temporarily resolve the unpleasant sensation of a plugged nose but it is good not to overdo their use.

Fumes and aerosols for the release of the airways, balmy sweets and frequent cleaning of the nose can at least partially eliminate the infected mucus, avoiding the risk of bacterial infections and accelerating healing.

Antibiotics should not be used to treat a common cold. They do not help and can even prove harmful (even in the presence of phlegm and yellowish mucus).

Grandma's remedies

To learn more: Cold remedies

Already in the twelfth century, chicken broth was used to treat a cold. Indeed, heat, numerous amino acids (especially cysteine) and salt can help fight infection.

In popular traditions the alleged remedies are wasted, among the most classic we remember the milk with honey, and lemon juice with white wine. However, there is not enough scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of such practices.

Diet and Phytotherapy

Citrus fruits, garlic, wheat germ, millet, sage, celery, wild berries, strawberries and chestnuts are just some of the foods to which traditional medicine attributes healing properties against colds.

Few studies have been carried out to confirm the therapeutic efficacy of these foods, which generally prove to be completely devoid of beneficial effects.

Peppermint, thyme or eupcalipto tisanes and extracts from the Echinacea plant are used in various countries of the world to treat colds and upper respiratory tract infections in general.

To learn more: Natural cold remedies

C vitamin

The intake of vitamin C does not seem to have any curative / preventive value, although a good vitamin balance is essential to strengthen the immune system and ensure the optimal efficiency of the organism.

To learn more: Vitamin C against colds



The cold, as we have seen, is caused by a very large set of viruses (over 200). Among all these viruses the most common are the rhinoviruses, whose name derives from the Greek term rhin = "nose".

The multiplicity of viral agents involved has prevented scholars from developing an effective vaccine, contrary to what happened with the flu (whose viral strain is much smaller).

Behavioral Measures

Here are some other tips to prevent the disease:

• Do not use the same napkins or cutlery as those with colds

• Turn around and bring your hands, or better still a handkerchief to your mouth when you sneeze

• Wash your hands often, especially before eating

• Try to keep your hands away from your nose and mouth

• Keep in good health, follow a regular program of physical activity and combine it with a balanced diet

• Avoid stress as much as possible and rest properly

• Avoid exposure to inclement weather and general temperature changes

• Increase the consumption of liquids to make the infected mucus more fluid and promote its elimination

• Consume probiotic foods so as to favor the balance of intestinal bacterial flora.


Fortunately, serious complications are rather rare and mostly affect the ear, trachea and bronchi.

Colds rarely lead to excessive increases in body temperature (over 38 ° C), in these cases it is logical to suspect a flu form.