health of the elderly

Hands: why do they grow old?

The hands are revealing the actual age of a person, as well as the neck and face. Over the years, in fact, the skin begins to age, tends to become dry and appears less tense, marked by a network of wrinkles.

The thinnest and most delicate skin is, in particular, that of the back, which dehydrates more easily than those of the palms and tends to lose the natural layer of subcutaneous fat that makes the hands soft and "full". All these are distinctive signs of chrono-aging .

The sun also contributes to hand aging: hyperchromic spots, in fact, are due to the action of ultraviolet rays. Sudden changes in temperature, cold and windy climatic conditions, prolonged contact with water, cutaneous stress linked to the use of hands and their poor care accelerate the appearance of these signs.

For this reason, it is necessary to resort to targeted anti-age treatments and pay some attention to prevent dehydration and loss of softness.

Small daily devices

The first rule to prevent hand aging is to moisturize them with appropriate creams, with an anti-aging and elasticizing effect, able to restore the hydrolipidic film and counteract the signs of aging. The ideal is to apply them after each wash or, alternatively, morning and evening. A further gesture of beauty is the practice of hand tools, by immersing the hands in a mixture of warm water and essential oils. During housework, then, it is advisable to use latex gloves to protect the hands from the irritating action of detergents.