
Drugs to Cure Diaper Dermatitis


Diaper dermatitis is an inflammatory pathology of the skin that can affect babies wearing diapers.

This particular form of dermatitis is also known as diaper rash, or as diaper irritation.


The main cause of diaper rash is the prolonged contact of the baby's skin with his own urine and, above all, with his own feces, but not only. In fact, diaper rash may also be caused by irritation due to the diaper material itself.


Diaper dermatitis is manifested by symptoms that may affect the buttocks, the genital area, the groin and the baby's thighs. These symptoms consist of swelling, redness and warmth of the skin, erythema, dry skin, itching and / or pain, formation of scales, pustules or plaques.

Furthermore, in some cases, diaper rash may be complicated by fungal or bacterial infections.

Information on Diaper Dermatitis - Drugs and Care is not intended to replace the direct relationship between health professional and patient. Always consult your doctor and / or specialist before taking Diaper Dermatitis - Drugs and Care.


To prevent the onset of diaper dermatitis it is essential to promptly change the diaper and keep the area dry and thoroughly cleansed.

If the dermatitis has already appeared and is not complicated by any kind of infection - before resorting to any type of pharmacological treatment - the doctor can recommend the application of a zinc oxide based cream. This type of cream, in fact, is able both to cure, and to prevent diaper rash, and does not require a medical prescription for its dispensation.

In cases in which, instead, diaper rash is severe and does not respond to the above described treatments, then the pediatrician may decide to resort to the use of corticosteroid drugs for topical use.

Finally, if dermatitis is complicated by bacterial or fungal infections, of course, the doctor will institute an appropriate antibacterial or antifungal therapy, once the infection is eradicated.


In the event that diaper rash is particularly aggravated and / or if it is refractory to other types of treatments, the pediatrician may decide to intervene by prescribing corticosteroids for cutaneous use.

In fact, corticosteroids for cutaneous use are powerful anti-inflammatory drugs with therapeutic indications for the treatment of different forms of dermatitis. However, due to their not indifferent side effects, they try to limit as much as possible their use in early childhood.

However, if it is absolutely necessary to undertake corticosteroid-based therapy in children, this should only be done under the strict control of the doctor.

Among the various active ingredients that can be used, we remind hydrocortisone (Locoidon ®, Lenirit ®, Cortidro ®, Scalpicin ®), a corticosteroid available in the form of cream, ointment, solution and skin emulsion. The frequency of applications and the duration of treatment with this drug must be established by the doctor, therefore, it is essential to follow the instructions provided by it.

Finally, it is very important to remember that the use of hydrocortisone (and more generally of all corticosteroids) is generally contraindicated in the case of concomitant bacterial, viral or fungal infections.


When diaper dermatitis is complicated by fungal infections, it is possible to intervene by administering antifungal drugs for cutaneous use.

Among the various active ingredients that can be used in case of diaper dermatitis, we find clotrimazole (Canesten ®). When using clotrimazole-based cutaneous cream, it is generally recommended to apply the product in small quantities directly on the affected area 2-3 times a day, carefully following the instructions provided by the doctor.

Furthermore, during treatment with clotrimazole we do not recommend the use of non-breathable diapers.


If a bacterial infection is associated with diaper rash, the pediatrician may decide to prescribe antibiotic drugs. These drugs can be administered either topically or orally.

In this regard, the identification of the microorganism responsible for the infection is very important. In this way, in fact, the doctor can set up the most appropriate antibiotic therapy to counteract the aforementioned infectious agent.