
Varicocele Cure Medications


The varicocele affects the vascular system of the testicle: it is a pathology in which the spermatic veins dilate abnormally, causing local pain and possible alterations on fertility (oligospermia, infertility, testicular hypotrophy).

Varicocele refers to a morbid condition very similar to varicose veins


The varicocele can form when the blood, inside the spermatic cord, is not able to flow correctly: it follows a swelling and an evident dilation of the veins. Men with varicocele show a reduction in testosterone and LH levels, associated with an increase in progesterone and FSH hormone.


In most affected men, varicocele runs asymptomatically; in other cases, in general, the patient complains of pain on the testicular level, associated with an unpleasant perception of discomfort located in the heart and an evident dilatation of the testicular veins, easily recognized by medical palpation.

The information on Varicocele - Drugs for Varicocele Treatment is not intended to replace the direct relationship between health professional and patient. Always consult your doctor and / or specialist before taking Varicocele - Varicocele Drugs.


In most patients, drug treatment is not the preferred choice for treating varicocele. The disease is treated by surgery (varicocelectomy), embolization of spermatic veins or radiotherapy (retrograde scleroembolization).

  1. Surgery: it is a sublingual ligation - performed under local anesthesia - of the testicular veins. The microsurgery operation consists of a small incision in the pubis, directed towards the groin: after identifying the veins involved in the varicocele, the specialist proceeds with the ligation of the same.
  2. Embolization of spermatic veins: after the patient has already undergone a surgical procedure to treat varicocele, in the event of relapse we proceed with the embolization of the spermatic veins
  3. Radiotherapy (retrograde scleroembolization): it is a cauterization of the spermatic veins generally performed under local anesthesia. For the treatment of varicocele there is also another technique, widely used where retrograde scleroembolization is impossible: we are talking about an anterograde radiological technique in which, after having isolated the vein affected by varicocele at the level of the scrotum or downstream of the inguinal orifice, the sclerosing substance is injected.

Among the most used sclerosing substances for the treatment of varicocele, we recall:

  • 3% sodium tetradecyl sulfate (eg Fibro Vein)
  • Ethanolamine oleate (eg Ethamolin)
  • Laureth-9 (polidocanol)

Drug dosage depends on the severity of the varicocele and the patient's condition.