respiratory health

How to avoid sneezing and Health hazards

Sneezing inhibition can be achieved through strong pressure with the fingers on the upper lip, nose or eyes, or by breathing deeply through the nose.

When, however, any possibility of control is lost and the sneeze becomes inevitable, it is good to give free rein to the act, avoiding suffocating it keeping the mouth closed.

To allow for sneezing, in fact, strong increases in pressure gradients are created at the level of the lower airways, which are then released through the characteristic explosive emission of air and "droplets" through the mouth and nose.

If the mouth is kept closed during sneezing, there is a strong increase in pressure inside the body, which negatively affects the eyes, nose, ears, diaphragm, cervical tract and brain, up to to cause more or less important bleeding.

Although this risk is very low for healthy people, it becomes more consistent for those with vascular malformations or diseases that undermine the resistance of the vessel walls. For this reason, the general advice of experts is to always avoid sneezing.