stomach health

Belly Pain - What to do

Types of abdominal pains

While the common stomach ache constitutes a benign and completely reversible condition (sometimes even spontaneously), its pathological variant reflects more serious disorders, such as to even endanger the patient's life. Precisely because of this diversity, it is necessary to shed light on and be able to distinguish moderate to morbid abdominal pain, recognizing which are the spy symptoms that require immediate medical intervention.

Clearly, a single episode of abdominal pain, as well as an abdominal pain that recurs punctually during the menstrual flow, must not be too frightening: in such circumstances, in fact, the stomach ache tends to gradually diminish, in a short period, through simple dietary-behavioral precautions.

Otherwise, an acute or abdominal pain that is concentrated at a specific point in the belly can be a clear warning signal about intestinal or other abdominal organs.

  • But how should we intervene in the presence of a stomach ache?

The table shows some remedies or tricks useful for speeding up the healing of different forms of abdominal pain (common and pathological).

Common stomach ache


Bellyache addicted to ...Remedies for stomach ache
Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Treatment depends on the underlying cause. Antibiotics are recommended for bacterial infections, while antivirals are recommended for viral gastroenteritis
  • Supporting antibiotic therapy with a probiotic is a useful remedy for strengthening the immune system
  • It is recommended to drink plenty of water - possibly associated with mineral salts - to avoid dehydration
  • Apply a hot water bottle on the abdomen
  • Soak in hot water
  • If necessary, supplement the diet with a supplement of vitamins and mineral salts (especially calcium, magnesium, potassium)
  • Drink hot liquids (broth, milk, detoxified tea, soups)
  • Prepare herbal teas formulated with chamomile, lemon balm, yarrow, potentilla or other drugs with antispastic and relaxing action, useful to ward off menstruation-related tummy pain
For further information: read the article on remedies against menstrual pain
  • Do not lie down immediately after a meal
  • Take a walk
  • Take digestive teas
  • If necessary, take antacids
Prolonged fasting
  • Eating correctly is the only useful remedy to alleviate the abdominal pain caused by prolonged fasting; the reintroduction of food must however be gradual
  • To facilitate the removal of stomach ache, herbal teas with antispastic and relaxing action are recommended
Lactose intolerance
  • Remove all lactose-containing foods from the diet
Gluten intolerance
  • Following a gluten-free (gluten-free) diet is the only remedy to prevent belly-aches and all other celiac-related symptoms
Gaseous colic of the newborn
  • Gently massage the newborn's tummy
  • Avoid feeding the newborn with cow's milk when the stomach ache depends on a lactose intolerance or an allergy to milk proteins (in this case, use hypoallergenic formulas of protein hydrolysates)
  • Cradle the baby and try to reassure him
  • Singing a melody and turning on the stereo can calm the baby's cry
For further information: read remedies for neonatal colics
  • Stress stomach ache is treatable by removing the tensions and anxieties that cause anxiety and agitation on a daily basis. Some remedies particularly indicated for the treatment of stress abdominal pain are sporting activities, yoga and pilates courses

Pathological abdominal pain

The pathological stomach ache is more difficult to fight, given that at the base there is a more serious and important illness. The table shows the most used therapeutic strategies for the treatment of the underlying disease, useful consequently to ward off stomach pain.


Bellyache addicted to ...Remedies / treatment for pathological abdominal pain
  • The only remedy to treat abdominal pain from appendicitis is surgical removal of the appendix. After surgery, the stomach ache disappears completely.
  • Only some forms of abdominal pain due to appendicitis (mild) can be cured through dietary corrections (correct intake of water and fiber) and pharmacological corrections (laxatives for the regularization of the alvus)
Kidney stones
  • Drinking lots of water helps dilute the mineral salts present in the urine: such an attitude favors the spontaneous elimination of smaller calculations and, with them, also the symptoms (including the stomach ache). This cure, called hydropinic (water shot) is contraindicated in medium and large sized calculations
  • Cook the food with little salt
  • Prefer mineral water or minimally mineralized water to limit the intake of sodium and salts
  • Diving in a very hot (almost boiling) pool of water is an effective remedy to alleviate the spastic contraction of smooth muscles, hence the stomach ache, which characterizes colic
For further information: read the article on remedies against renal colics
  • Cholecystitis abdominal pain should be treated with patient hospitalization
  • The stomach ache is such as to require hospitalization
  • It is possible to treat underlying pathology and symptoms (in particular belly-aches) through a specific pharmacological treatment: antibiotics and painkillers are the most suitable drugs
  • Surgical therapy is indicated in severe diverticulitis (excision of the intestinal area affected by diverticulitis)
  • Don't drink alcohol, coffee, tea, carbonated drinks
  • If necessary, take intestinal function stimulating plant extracts (laxatives)
  • Follow a healthy and balanced diet, with a balanced fiber intake
Urinary tract infections
  • A targeted antibiotic therapy is generally sufficient to completely eradicate the infection and, with it, all other symptoms as well (tummy aches, pain and burning at urination, etc.)
  • Support antibiotic treatment with probiotic therapy, aimed at strengthening the immune system
  • Drink lots of fluids
  • Take diuretic-spasmolytic herbal teas to relieve stomach pain
For further information: read the article on remedies against cystitis
Inflammatory bowel disease
  • The pathological pain that marks inflammatory bowel diseases is vague and generalized. Currently, there is no standard and universal treatment. NSAIDs, corticosteroids and immunosuppressants are the most indicated drugs to alleviate symptoms
Intestinal obstruction
  • To ward off stomach pain related to intestinal obstruction it is necessary to hospitalize the patient, who will then be adequately hydrated to correct dehydration
  • Catheter application to aid urine drainage
  • Antibiotic treatment
  • If necessary, surgery is performed
  • Hospitalization is often necessary to relieve abdominal pain caused by pancreatitis
  • Fasting for a short time (useful remedy to "burn" the pancreas)
  • Do not take alcohol
  • Hydration of the patient intravenously
  • Administration of painkillers and corticosteroids to burn and calm the pain
  • Surgery
  • Administration of antibiotics
Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Anticholinergic / antispastic drugs to reduce gastric secretion and intestinal motility responsible also for abdominal pain
  • Tricyclic antidepressants, to combat tummy ache by acting on mood
  • Prokinetics (eg psyllium): drugs indicated for relieving constipation-dependent abdominal pain
  • Follow a healthy and balanced diet by adding the right amount of fiber
  • Drink at least two liters of water a day
Colorectal cancers, pancreatic cancer, liver neoplasia etc.
  • The only solution to cure the tumor - and with it also the stomach ache and all the other characteristic symptoms - is chemo-radiotherapy, possibly supported by a surgical removal of the tumor mass and surrounding tissue portions

The pathological stomach ache must be considered a request for help sent by the body: clearly, in similar circumstances, the main purpose of the intervention is to cure the problem that arises at the root, minimizing the risk of complications. Only the elimination of the underlying pathology will cause, consequently, the removal of the stomach ache.