
VO2 max: The test of the two km of Oja and Laukkanen

This test is often used to evaluate the maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) in normally active subjects between the ages of 20 and 65 who do not have disabilities or diseases such as to prevent or limit the fast path and / or who do not take drugs that alter normal heart rate response to exercise and for overweight subjects who meet the same criteria


  • Sub-maximal test (conducted at medium-high intensity but not maximum)
  • From field (can also be performed outside the laboratory)
  • Value of VO2max obtained through a specific sex predictive equation
  • trusted
  • Valid
  • Repeatable

Conditions that contraindicate the execution of the test:

  • Myocardial infarction in the last 12 months
  • Uncontrolled arterial hypertension
  • coronary artery disease
  • Lung diseases
  • Refractory hyperthyroidism due to pharmacological treatments
  • Arrhythmia triggered by physical activity
  • Undiagnosed pain in the upper limbs, shoulders or chest appeared during physical exertion
  • Other severe symptoms triggered by physical exertion (headache, dizziness, dyspnea, asthma)
  • Taking heart rate modifying drugs (eg beta-blockers)
  • Osteo-articular pathologies in the lower limbs


Measured flat route (2 Km), heart rate monitor (optional), stopwatch


Perform the test only in appropriate weather conditions (mild temperature, no rain or wind) Prepare adequately for the test (no food and / or smoke in the previous 2-3 hours; no physical effort on the day of the test and the previous day, no alcohol on the day of the test and the day before, comfortable clothes and walking shoes)

Heating: (a few minutes of walking at moderate speed followed by 100-200 meters at high speed to adapt to the pace that must be maintained during the test. Rest for a few minutes before performing the test) Test execution: The subject must walk at a constant pace and at the maximum speed of sustainable walking in the absence of signs of physical discomfort: "Walk as fast as you can, but do not put your health at risk". The walking speed corresponding to 80% of the theoretical maximum heart rate allows the most accurate predictive calculation of the VO2max


Travel time of 2 km (meters / second - click here for the conversion from km / h)

Heart rate (HR) recorded at the end of the test (heart rate / min)

Age (years)

BMI (ratio between weight (Kg) and height (m) squared: Kg / m). Example, the BMI of a subject 180 cm high that weighs 80 kg is equal to: 80 / (1.8) 2 = 24.7


Men: VO2max (ml / Kg / min) = 184.9 - 4.65 (time in minutes) - 0.22 (FC) - 0.26 (age) - 1.05 (BMI)

Women: VO2max (ml / Kg / min) = 116.2 - 2.98 (time in minutes) - 0.11 (CF) - 0.14 (age) - 0.39 (BMI)