
Tingling in the right hand


The tingling in the right hand is a disorder that presents itself as a tingling sensation or unusual sense of numbness. This manifestation may involve the palm, wrist and / or fingers.

At the origin of the tingling in the right hand there can be different causes. In most cases, this symptom depends on carpal tunnel syndrome, but it can also result from tendinopathies, infections, osteoarthritis and spine problems. Sometimes the tingling in the right hand results from non-pathological conditions (intense efforts, incorrect postures, carrying out demanding and repetitive manual work during the day, etc.) or systemic diseases (vitamin deficiencies, diabetes, stress, etc.).

The repetition of flexion-extension movements of the wrist (to a lesser extent, also flexion of the fingers) increases the risk of experiencing this symptom. Other factors that can predispose to tingling in the right hand include local trauma, pregnancy, vibrations and low temperatures.

Treatment varies by nature and extent, depending on the condition or underlying disease that caused the appearance of the symptom. For this reason, a correct diagnosis should be made by an experienced doctor.

What's this

Tingling in the right hand is a fairly common symptom, especially in the female sex. This manifestation may depend on pathologies of the hand and wrist (local) or are related to conditions that involve other districts of the body (eg diabetes, vitamin deficiencies, hypotension, etc.).

The tingling in the right hand can manifest itself in association with sharp pains, loss of sensitivity in the fingers, cold or warm hands, weakness, numbness and tingling sensations, in the absence or in the presence of pain.

The hand is the terminal portion of the upper limb, composed of:

  • Pulse : acts as a connection with the forearm;
  • Metacarpus : it is the widest section, constituted by the bones of the back;
  • Five fingers : each of them is formed by three phalanges; their movements of flexion and opposition give the hand the prehensile capacity.

The hand contains at least 27 bones, involved in various joints.


The tingling in the right hand can be traced to numerous factors: sometimes it is a trivial and transient disorder, other times it indicates a decidedly more severe underlying problematic.

The main causes are:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome - The tingling in the right hand is often associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. This disease takes its name from a structure composed of bones and ligaments, located between the inside of the wrist and the palm of the hand, in which the median nerve runs, responsible for the motor and sensory function of the limb. At the origin of carpal tunnel syndrome there can be two causes: a narrowing of the lumen of the canal or an increase in the volume of the tendons that flow inside it. In both cases, the result is the same: the nerve is crushed, triggering the symptoms. The narrowing of the carpal tunnel lumen may be due to hormonal changes (pregnancy, menopause), arthrosis, diabetes, hypothyroidism and previous wrist fractures. The syndrome can also result from tendonitis or simple inflammation associated with the incorrect use of the hand. In addition to feeling unusual tingling and numbness, the affected person experiences decreased sensitivity and pain, which sometimes extends to the whole arm. The disorders also affect the functionality, especially of the thumb, whose muscles are weakened and the grip strength is reduced. Carpal tunnel symptoms tend to worsen at night (ie when venous stasis increases and the space available to the nerve inside the carpal tunnel decreases) and upon waking, when the wrist is forced into an extended or forced flexion position . Disorders are also accentuated when continuing to bend and strain the wrist and finger joints. Therefore, repetitive jobs, such as those performed by housewives, computer scientists, cooks and tailors are at risk.
  • Wrong habits - In many cases, the tingling in the right hand is related to the maintenance of incorrect postures and to the execution of demanding manual jobs, for long periods. Prolonged use of the computer mouse can predispose, for example, to tendinitis, that is an inflammation of the tendon that connects the abductor muscle and allows the movement of the thumb. This condition, also called De Quervain syndrome, is caused by the continuous and repetitive movements which are forced the hand of those who use the computer. To develop this problem are above all people who, for work, make precise and repetitive movements (eg programmers and designers). Even sleeping in an incorrect position, such as keeping the elbows bent, can cause nerve compression and a reduction in the blood supply to the limbs. This will lead to an intense tingling sensation on morning awakening.
  • Dupuytren's contracture - This condition consists in the progressive retraction of the palmar aponeurosis, a sort of coating that extends over the palm of the hand, immediately below the skin, and covers tendons, muscles and nerves. Over time, this process causes the loss of the function of the hands due to the impossibility of extending one or more fingers.
  • Osteoarthritis - The tingling may depend on arthritic degenerative processes of the limb (arthrosis of the hand) or of the vertebral column (especially of the cervical tract). This occurs due to the thinning of the cartilage, that is, of the resistant and elastic fabric that covers the joints; over time, the bones begin to rub against each other, causing inflammation and pain. The tingling in the right hand may also depend on the thoracic outlet syndrome (set of manifestations united by phenomena of irritation, traction and compression of the vascular and nerve structures that run from the cervical region to the axilla).
  • Tendinopathies - The tingling localized in the right hand can also occur in the case of pathological processes that affect the tendons, such as tendinitis or tenosynovitis.
  • Trauma - Tingling can be a consequence of traumatic events, such as a previous fracture, a crush or a fall with impact on the hands.
  • Diabetes - In diabetes mellitus, the tingling in the right hand takes on a characteristic glove distribution and is associated with an intense burning sensation.
  • Neurological disorders - The tingling in the hand may be related to central or peripheral neuropathies, more or less serious. In some cases, this symptom depends on the compression of the median nerve of the wrist or on lesions of the sensory nerves of the hand; at other times it may be the indicator of multiple sclerosis or transient ischemic attack (TIA).
  • Circulation problems - Sometimes the tingling in the right hand can also result from vascular dysfunctions (eg vasculitis and Raynaud's phenomenon), especially if this symptom is continuous and persistent. Furthermore, the origin of the disorder can be attributed to hypotension and various cardiac disorders.
  • Excessive anxiety and stress - Among the possible causes of tingling in the right hand are also severe stress and persistent anxiety; hyperventilation syndrome triggered by a panic attack typically causes paresthesia in the hands, feet and perioral region, with agitation, dizziness, spasms and weakness.
  • Other causes - The tingling in the right hand can occur in case of:
    • Thyroid disorders (including hypothyroidism and autoimmune thyroiditis by Hashimoto);
    • Vitamin deficiencies (in particular, of vitamin B12);
    • Spinal problems, especially of the cervical tract (disc hernia, cervico-brachialgia, whiplash etc.);
    • Infections of various kinds (such as St. Anthony's fire);
    • Some tumors (eg breast cancer);
    • Migraine with aura;
    • Freezing;
    • Metal poisoning.

Alcohol abuse can also predispose to this manifestation. During pregnancy, the tingling in the right hand may appear due to water retention. This manifestation can also represent the side effect of some drugs, including birth control pills, antiepileptics, antibiotics, sedatives, anesthetics and sedatives.

The non-pathological causes of this disorder essentially concern excessive efforts (eg carrying heavy shopping bags for a long journey), prolonged use of the computer mouse and maintaining an incorrect position during the day or night.

Symptoms and Complications

The tingling in the right hand can manifest itself with different local symptoms, such as:

  • Loss of sensitivity to the fingers;
  • Cold or hot ends;
  • Weakness or functional impotence with reduced gripping force;
  • Sensations of numbness and tingling;
  • Pain in the fingers (not always present);
  • Difficulty in performing simple daily gestures (combing, taking a jar, tying a shirt, opening a door with keys, etc.).

Depending on the cause, the tingling in the right hand can be associated with other disorders. In any case, you should contact your doctor for diagnostic tests appropriate to your case.

When does it manifest?

The tingling can occur at certain times of the day such as, for example, in the morning as soon as you wake up or after having performed particular activities. In some patients, however, this disorder can appear in a variable manner and depends on the associated pathology.

Depending on the time of day, the tingling in the right hand can manifest:

  • In the morning : on waking, it is often related to the wrong position that is assumed during night rest.
  • During the day : it can occur due to pathological causes or when, for a long time, the same position was held (example: riding a bike or working on a computer).
  • During the night : they may depend on the position taken during sleep.

The tingling in the right hand can last for a few hours or a day, then disappears; other times, the disorder is intermittent or continuous, persistent and is accompanied by pain.


The tingling in the right hand is not a disease, but a symptom that should be investigated in order to find out what the cause is. From the diagnostic point of view, various instrumental examinations are used, depending on the individual cases, including: radiography, ultrasound or electromyography.

Therefore, when the tingling in the right hand is persistent or recurrent, it is always advisable to consult a doctor, who will be able to indicate the most appropriate treatment.


The management of tingling in the right hand depends on the cause that is responsible for it.

If the underlying condition is mild and the associated symptoms are mild, the doctor can set up a conservative treatment.

In most cases, this approach involves:

  • Taking or applying anti-inflammatory and painkiller drugs;
  • Use of a guardian;
  • Cortisone infiltration;
  • Techniques like ultrasound, iontophoresis and laser;
  • Lymphatic drainage massages.

If the tingling in the right hand is caused by mild circulatory problems or stress, natural remedies, such as homeopathy or herbal medicine, may be helpful. To improve circulation, in particular, they are recommended: blueberry, hawthorn, ginger, valerian, passionflower or lemon balm.

Right-handed tingling sufferers could benefit from physiotherapy. In this case, a series of targeted movements is foreseen, able to alleviate pain and the sensation of contracture and tingling. However, we need to know that these remedies are not always decisive, but allow us to improve the situation and obtain more effective results with subsequent treatments.

When the pathology is more pronounced and, in addition to the tingling in the right hand, pain, functional impotence and loss of sensitivity to the fingers also occur, surgery may be indicated.