
Basal metabolism

The basal metabolism represents the amount of energy used in conditions of thermal neutrality, from the awake subject, but in a state of total physical and mental relaxation, fasting for at least 12 hours.

In other words, basal metabolism is the minimum energy expenditure necessary to maintain vital functions and the waking state.

  • In a healthy and sedentary individual it represents about 65-75% of the total energy expenditure.
  • And higher in men than women
  • It decreases with age: between 60 and 90 years it drops by about 8% per decade
  • This decline can be slowed by adequate physical activity.


  • increase in body temperature (the increase of only one degree increases the basal metabolism by 13%);
  • outside temperature (if it decreases there is an increase in basal metabolism and vice versa);
  • nutritional status and type of diet;
  • lean individual's mass:
  • hormonal factors;
  • pregnancy and lactation (basal metabolism increases especially in the final stage of gestation);
  • states of anxiety;
  • use of drugs (sedatives, for example, decrease basal metabolism, while amphetamines and stimulants increase it);
  • keep it going...

Additional links to the basal metabolic topic:

Deepening on the basal metabolismCalculation of basal metabolism Deepening on the basal metabolism (2) Slow metabolism? Accelerating the metabolismIncreasing the metabolismFeeding energy and basal metabolismBasal metabolism of the various organsBasal metabolic rate and body surfaceBase metabolism and lean body mass