heart health

Poll: reasons why the health of one's heart is neglected

Heart diseases, along with vascular problems (ie arteries and veins), are the leading cause of death in the world's most industrialized countries.

For example, only in 2012, cardiovascular diseases - this is the term used to refer to heart diseases and blood vessel problems - led to the deaths of over 17.5 million people worldwide, or 31% of deaths global (source WHO, World Health Organization).

Generally due to atherosclerosis - that is to the phenomena of narrowing, obstruction or dilation (aneurysm) of the blood vessels - the best known cardiovascular diseases are: coronary heart disease (for example myocardial infarction and ischemia), cerebravascular diseases ( stroke and transient ischemic attack) ), peripheral arteriopathies, rheumatic diseases with involvement of the myocardium, valvulopathies (ie pathologies affecting the heart valves), congenital heart defects and deep vein thrombosis .

Given the enormous spread of these pathologies and the poor prevention of the so-called modifiable factors, a US site (www.heart.org) has tried to clarify why people are not so careful about their health.

The users' answers regarding why they did not observe a healthier lifestyle and that reduced cardiovascular risk were:

  • "Eating healthy costs too much" (14%).
  • "I don't want to stop eating certain foods, because I like them too much" (18%).
  • "I don't want to do physical activity" or "I don't like to keep myself in business" (14%).
  • "I don't really know what prevents cardiovascular disease" (7%).
  • "I don't have time to do physical activity regularly" (17%).
  • "I'm too busy taking care of other matters or other people, that I don't have time to take care of myself" (12%).
However, it should be pointed out that, in addition to these percentages, there is also a 27% of users who claim to know what they must do to safeguard their health and that of their heart.