body building

The prevailing exercise system

Edited by: Francesco Currò

See also: the prevailing exercise system II

With the advent of what I personally call "commercial bodybuilding", for some time now the fashion has come to present "innovative" methods, which - too often - focus more on "complications" and on denominations "Extravagant" than on real productivity.

However, you will agree with me that, contrary to what someone (often for purely commercial purposes) would have us believe, the effectiveness of the various methods does not depend on the exoticism of the name by which they are called or by the excessive machinity.

In this article I want to offer you a method - not too publicized, since it was not proposed by some overseas "gurus" (but when will we stop being a US colony?) - which I consider to be among the simplest and at the same time between the most productive: the prevailing exercise system .

The method is rather similar (in terms of structure and purpose) to the more well-known German Volume Training and can be used as a valid alternative to the GVT itself: my advice is to try both and to evaluate which one is most suited to your characteristics.

Here is a brief presentation of the "prevailing exercise system":

Prevailing exercise system
PurposesSubject a given group of motor units to a massive volume of repeated efforts in order to hypertrophy them
Structure8-12 sets of about 10 repetitions. Each series must be pulled to the limit, therefore, going ahead with the series, due to fatigue, the repetitions will decrease. To try to bring the repetitions to approximately 10, gradually reduce the weight.
Rest intervals between setsAbout 60-120 seconds, depending on the size of the muscle
Training frequencyTrain every part of the body once a week (approximately)
ExercisesUse "basic" exercises whenever possible

And here is a program that is easy to apply and above all suitable for everyone, that is to both genetically equipped athletes and hardgainers:

MONDAYS: Pectorals, Deltoids, Triceps, Abdominals


Heating: set x rip.SeriesRepetitionsRest break
Horizontal bench2-3 x 51010120
Slow forward2 x 581090
Narrow bench1-2 x 581090

Wednesday: Dorsalis, posterior deltoids, biceps


Heating: set x rip.SeriesRepetitionsRest break
Low pulley2-3 x 51010120
Raised at 90 ° with 2 handlebars1 x 581060
Biceps with barbell1 x 581060
Calf machine1-2 x 581560

Friday: Quadriceps, Biceps Femoral, Calves, Abdominals


Heating: set x rip.SeriesRepetitionsRest break
Squat or Press2-3 x 51010120
Leg Curl1-2 x 581090
Calf alla Pressa1-2 x 581560
Crunch with cables-32030

Notes and recommendations:

  • Before the "actual" series indicated, warm up with a few sets (they are indicated) at low repetitions (about 5) and with increasing weights;
  • Remember to pull the series to the limit; when you realize you can no longer keep the repetitions above 6-7, lower the weight by 10-20%;
  • Adopt a 3-4 week mesocycle, with 2-3 weeks of loading and a week of complete rest.
  • For greater productivity, try to alternate the mesocycles in which you use the prevailing exercise system with mesocycles of different purposes (force mesocycles, etc.).

Francesco Currò

Francesco Currò, teacher of ASI / CONI, teacher of the Accademia del Fitness, athletic trainer and personal trainer, is the author of the new book " Full Body ", of the e-book " The Training " and of the book on "Multiple Frequency Systems" . For more information you can write to the email address, visit the websites //

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